A First Time Experience with Black Coffee

My first-time experience with black coffee made me go for it because of its quality and effectiveness. The experience also was so funny that I still remember that moment and would laugh, but was grateful to come across such a brand, perhaps I wouldn't have thought of changing my coffee for a better taste.


I visited my neighbour's apartment on this day as I wanted to say hi which was on a weekend. I was welcomed warmly by the couple and was entertained by this coffee that was in a glass jar. At first, I didn't notice the name written on it because I was focused on both of them asking me about my family, well-being and how I was enjoying the new apartment. As I was offered a cup to take the quantity I wanted, I sighted the name and it was written "Nescafe Gold" on it. "What type of coffee is this again?" I asked while being curious to know how it tasted.

The husband told me to add some milk to it because it was bitter. I refused and said would take it like that without any addition. He kept insisting I add milk or sugar so I can enjoy the taste but all I thought was that it would taste sweet like the coffee I was used to. The one I used to take had been mixed with milk and sugar, making it taste sweet even if I didn't add anything else, but this particular one was different unknowingly to me.

I was being watched by them as they were waiting to see my reaction. The worst part of it was how I had taken 2 full spoons into the cup instead of a little quantity, but like I said, I was oblivious to the bitter taste.


As I took the cup into my mouth to gulp everything down to my throat, I felt this sharp bitterness in my tongue. My face changed instantly, the cup was still in my mouth as I couldn't take it off so I won't make them notice what had happened. After some seconds of forcing myself to drink all at a goal, (this was to allow me more time to get myself into order) I composed myself and acted as if I enjoyed it. I managed not to squeeze my face but I couldn't endure it when it got to a point where the bitterness was stronger than what I'd expected.

They smiled and were surprised at how I was able to gulp everything down at once with how bitter it was, not knowing I had faked it so they wouldn't say they already warned me earlier to add some milk because that is what they do. After some minutes spent with them, I left. For the rest of the day into midnight, I couldn't sleep. I saw how the coffee did its work and kept me awake and active which made me do all I needed to do without feeling weak. I had to force myself to sleep when it was 1 am.


Days later, I got the same coffee brand. I decided to taste it naturally by not adding any milk just as my first experience but I later realised if I would enjoy this coffee, I would need to be adding milk, even if without sugar as I don't take raw ones. I have tasted this black coffee twice with milk and the experience was nourishing. I love how creamy it turns and the rich taste I get when it drops on my tongue.

All images are mine

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