Alex and I

As usual for me, I am late for work. I walk in a hurry to catch the last transport or else I will have to pay for a cab and I really don't want to spend my money on that service.

I'm a little clumsy and when I'm in a hurry my feet trip over each other making me fall. ¡What a shame!, my wallet came out on one side, my thermos of coffee on the other and now my knees are bloody.


I sit down on a bench to pass the pain and a medium sized dog appears with my wallet in its muzzle and with one paw, pushes the thermos of coffee.

"Wow how smart you are, how do you know they are my belongings?" I asked without the intention of hearing an answer.

"How could I not know if I've seen you fall, besides you pass by here every morning and you're always in a hurry". Replied the dog.

I looked around and there was no one else. I panicked, grabbed my purse and thermos and tried to get up.

"What I was missing, it must be the fall that makes me think that dog is talking to me". I said out loud.

"It's not your imagination, I can talk. Don't be scared. Can I ask you a favor?" the dog asked.

With a trembling voice I answered yes.

"Give me some of your coffee, I haven't had any this morning and I really need it. Nobody throws cups of coffee away anymore, they drink it all and that makes my daily intake difficult".

"Hahaha, you drink coffee too? What kind of dog are you?" I exclaimed surprised

"Let's start at the beginning, give me coffee and I'll tell you my story." Said the dog

"Okay, you convinced me. I'm already late for work and as my mom says, what's one more stripe for a tiger? I'll accept my warning". I answered smiling.

After sharing coffee with the dog, he introduced himself.

"I'm Alex, I've been living on the streets for 3 years. A single dog, cheerful, playful, I love children and have fun with them in the park. I also love coffee as much as you do. I'm observant and don't make friends with everyone. I've been noticing you for a while, you're lonely, you're always late for work and Amy is taking advantage of your nobility". Said the dog.


"You have left me with my mouth open, you talk like a human, you analyze, you reason and now explain why you say that about my only friend". I demanded immediately.

"Amy doesn't have the talent you have with design, she always expects you to act first, then she makes small changes and takes the credit. She presents the projects to the clients and collects the fees. This has been going on for a few months now, I chase her around and keep an eye out when she meets in the park with clients". Explained the dog.

"Alex, are you sure about what you are saying?" I asked surprised.

"Of course I am. The last project he sold was the remodeling for the coffee shop on the corner. Notice that it is closed because in a few days the work will start". He answered.

I was inevitably saddened, I trusted Amy, I considered her a friend. I looked down and thanked Alex for what he had just done for me, it opened my eyes.

One more thing. Alex said. I'm a lab experiment gone wrong.

From that day on, Alex and I became close, although he didn't agree to live at my house. He waits for me every morning to walk me to the transport stop and now I'm not late. I hand him his thermos of coffee and a portion of food daily.

She encouraged me to sue Amy for selling my projects without consent and with the money I am registering my own design company. Soon I will leave my current job to become independent.

I learned that everything in life, happens for a reason.

It's in my entry of the week for the "Creative Writing Challenge".

All the pictures are courtesy of my daughter, the dog is the furry son of one of her friends and the edits were made in Canva with the free version.

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