Love and Coffee


Don't we all just love a good story of love?
Love is beautiful, or so I've heard them say, but it's also about compromise.
I too just like any being on earth, fell in love with something so beautiful, so little but yet synced to my soul.

It was served in a mug or a cup or a glass. I think you get the point and if you didn't, I'm talking about coffee.
I have existed in the world for twenty five years and for the better part of it, it has been me and my love.

But like they say, change is inevitable and I found someone to share my heart with.
Someone who I was currently five minutes away from strangling.
I closed my eyes, my inner voice speaking to me.
Keep it together Roni. Do not lose your shit
How could I not?

The man I was falling in love with, the only person that had managed to pick a part of my heart was standing in front of me and telling me he didn't like my obsession with coffee and how I couldn't start my day without it.
Technically, he is sitting
Not now inner voice.

"Andrew. I'm not obsessed with coffee and I can start my day without it".
"Veronica, there's a cup of coffee in your hand right now and the worst part is when I try to talk to you, you don't even hear me because you are so hyper. I know you love coffee but I need you to be present with me. Maybe if you could just wait till I'm up and we could start the day together before you drink your coffee".

"Stop saying coffee like that".
He sighed, "Like what Roni?"
"Like it's a disease I'm infected with".
"Is it not? I'm trying to talk to you and you are still drinking it. Jesus Christ Roni".

I stood up angrily, "I'm not going to sit here and listen to you accuse me of things that are clearly true".
I stomped away, careful not to spill my baby. I went into the room and shut the door, I opened it again, "And you are no longer welcome into my room".
I shut the door.

"It's my house Roni".
I opened the door again, "Then you are uninvited from your room".
I couldn't believe it. How dare he accuse me of being obsessed with coffee. I had my coffee drinking perfectly under control.

The day went by.
Around seven o'clock, there was a gentle knock on the door.
"Are you still mad?"
I kept quiet. He opened the door.
"I'm sorry".
I sighed, "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. I'm just used to coffee and this", I pointed between me and him, "Is all new to me".

He walked towards me, pulling me up.
I looked into his beautiful pools, the first thing that had captivated me the day I saw him.
My inner voice was right.

"Tomorrow, I won't wake up, go directly to the kitchen and make a cup of coffee and during the day, I will minimize it to just three cups".
His eyes widened, "How many do you usually have?"
"Baby. You do not want to know".

The next morning was weird. I woke up and not having the usual scent of coffee fill the house to energize me for my day felt different but I woke up instead to the smell of pancakes.
I walked into the kitchen and my very hot boyfriend was shirtless, making me chocolate chip pancakes.

"Hey", I yawned. I felt tired but I really liked him and he was the first guy in my life that treated me like I was an actual human being and not just a thing of convenience.
So I smiled.
He looked at me, "Are you sure?"
I nodded.

It was so different, everything seemed to be moving so slowly, but as I sat down and I talked to the man I was hopelessly falling in love with, I understood what he meant by being present. He was talking and I was actually hearing and seeing him. My body wasn't buzzing.

As the days went by, it became easier and I started enjoying our morning routine together. He even managed to incorporate me into going for a run. We started to talk more.

I stared at him as he laughed and animatedly described an incident from his childhood.
He is beautiful. We hit the jackpot
Yes inner voice, we did.
We love him
Yes we do.

I sighed. I finally found a man and as much as I hated to admit it, I just needed to take a step back from coffee to see it.
But not completely. I know I said I would only have three but I added an extra cup. No one tell him.

Three weeks had gone by and it was so much easier. I woke up and I felt a blast from the past.
The wonderful aroma of coffee filled the house.
"What are you doing?"
He turned to me, gently setting a cup of coffee in front of me.

"I figured if you could make a compromise for me, I could do the same for you. It won't be an everyday thing but sometimes we can start our day with coffee together".
I blinked, "But you don't drink coffee".
"We make compromises when we love someone".
"You love me?"

He smiled.
The air went out of my lungs.
"Roni, this is the part where you say you love me too".
I grinned, "I love you too".

I took a sip of my coffee and I spat it out immediately.
"Let's agree that I make the coffee from now on".
"But you love me either way".

I stood on my toe to kiss him, "I love you Andrew".
He kissed me back.
Life couldn't be more perfect.
You said it inner voice.

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