A Coffee Wish

You see that extremely beautiful girl on that really huge poster? The one with the sparkling green eyes and long beautiful hair? That's me.
Oh…I'm really sorry about the confusion. You guys can't really see me but I think you get the point but in case you didn't. I'm beautiful.

Yes, like superstar model beautiful which would explain why my face is on a poster obviously. So back to the point. Where was I?
Oh yes. The beautiful Winter Emerald. The twenty year old supermodel with the perfect life that everyone wants to be if we are counting out my mother leaving.

She decided that my father and I were not good enough for her so she left, got married again and then had a kid with him. Turns out there is really such a thing as Karma because she died, and just a month ago, the man also died leaving twelve year old June alone in the cold harsh world.

I forgot to tell you guys. I am currently sitting in my car watching the social worker tell June that she was going to have to leave her home. Well that's sad but not for me.
My step sister was going to be taken and put into the system because she had no family.
But I was family and so I turned on my engine and drove off.
"See ya June… Really don't wanna be ya."

I think I was being really mean back there and Karma caught up with me too because my brand new car stopped working right in front of an antique shop. Ewww. You guys want to know the best part? There was no freaking cell reception.
I had no choice, so I got down and walked into the shop to find someone to help.

A middle aged lady greeted me with a smile then her eyes widened, "Aren't you that famous model?"
Did I mention that I was really famous?
I nodded and then explained my situation to her. A lucky coincidence, she had a son who happened to know how to repair cars but he wasn't around.
She told me to look around while I waited for him to get back.

I contemplated for a minute. Suddenly my eyes caught a jar with intricate designs on the body so I stepped towards it. I felt a weird pull to open it so I did. It all happened in a span of seconds. There was a flash of light and then a floating figure was in front of me.
The figure stretched, "It was really tight in there."

I tilted my head as his eyes landed on me.
"Well Hello there. Haven't seen one as pretty as you in a really long time."
I blinked, "What?"
"Isn't it obvious?"
"Not really."
The figure rolled his eyes, "I'm a genie."

I felt it coming and then I burst out laughing, "You are a genie. Really? What kind of joke is this?"
"It's not a joke. I am a genie and since you opened my jar, I will grant you one wish but it has to be coffee related."

I laughed even harder, "Why don't you tell me what you would wish for "genie".
The genie studied me and then said, "My freedom."
I was about to say something when the lady returned with her son and the genie disappeared.
My car was fixed and I went back home.

I was about to go to bed when the genie appeared in my room. This time I let out a scream and then it dawned on me, "Holy Shit. You are really a genie."
The genie glared at me, "I've been trying to tell you that."

"So I have a wish?"
The genie nodded.
I looked around, like I said my life was perfect.
"I have nothing to wish for."
There was a flash of light and then the floaty tail like part of the genie became legs.
He walked to the window, "Immediately you touched the jar, I saw everything about you. Your past, your present, I can't say your future because change is inevitable."
He turned to me, "Are you really going to let your sister go into the system?"

My eyes narrowed, "She is not my sister."
The genie sighed, "When was the last time you did something nice Winter? The last time you acted out of the kindness of your heart. You act like you are this perfect girl with no feelings but I saw what is underneath and you are just a girl wearing a mask so no one will see how hurt she is. It's not your fault your mother left and it's not June's fault she was born. So before you let them take her away to a life of the unknown, think about that."
The genie disappeared.

And so ladies and gentlemen I found myself in front of the social worker I saw with June saying the words, "June is my half sister and I would like to foster her."
I listened to her talk about how much work it would be but I knew one thing, the genie was right and I had to take off that mask.

"I'm always right."
The genie appeared in front of me,
I screamed, "Next time give a girl a warning."
The genie smiled.
"I've decided what I want my wish to be. I want a cup of coffee that grants the heart's greatest desire."
There was a flash of light and a cup of coffee was in my hand.
I smiled, handing it over to be the genie, "You can finally get your wish."

The genie took it from me, different emotions coursing through his eyes but the brightest of all, gratitude.
"I knew I was right about you. You are a good person after all."
I smiled as the genie took a sip and disappeared.
"No." I whispered into the air, "I am not. But I plan to be."

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