Cinnamon Cup Coffee - Community Posting Guidelines

Est. Feb 2021.jpg

Cinnamon Cup Coffee offers you a virtual coffee shop experience.

We are a social and creative space for you to share all content relating to coffee and its many uses.

Our team is hospitable, personable, and interacts humorously and engagingly, by using profile banners as if communicating face to face, and we are keen on maintaining a high standard within the blockchain.

Ideas of what to post

  • coffee beverages
  • coffee shop reviews
  • coffee appliances usage and care
  • alternative uses of coffee such as art, and cooking.
  • simple teas that might be served at a coffee shop.

Posting Guidelines

  • Content

Of course, your topic should be about coffee or tea;

Coffee beverages you had, coffee shops you've visited, coffee machines and brewing methods, crockery, coffee art, coffee for cooking and baking, and other alternative uses of coffee.
👉Stories about your life with coffee give readers the chance to connect and see your personality, and passion for coffee; this is a great way to connect and increase your visibility in the community and on the blockchain.

  • Presentation

Speaks volume, as it's your mien!

Photos & Images - a blurred photo is as good as no photo.
A cup of hot or cold coffee can be tempting and pleasing to the eyes. Same for the meals that complement your coffee, therefore, make an effort to include clear, sharp images.

HINT: Photo dumps are frowned upon here, so please do not post more than one of the same photo unnecessarily.



leaky's PERFECT Gif 6photos.gif

  • Text Length

Imagine the task it would be to physically count each word?
Luckily, the computer does it for us.

There is no word-count specification, however, posts over 250 English words are more likely to be promoted, as you get the chance to creatively write your stories in a detailed, comprehensible, and relatable fashion.
Meaningful content matters.

  • Language

Being bi/multi-lingual is a great asset!

However, community founder @millycf1976 takes the time to read every post, and only reads and comprehends English.
Please, write in English, and comment in English.
However, feel free to add your native or other languages.
Comments in English foster interaction amongst community members and across the blockchain.

Community General Tips

  • Written publication and comments to posts, must be in English.

  • Tell us a story behind the photos you present, and add photos to enhance your story.

  • Originality is the best way to put your stamp on your post. It shows your personality, which is a great way to attract others to read and possibly upvote and reblog your post.

  • There's the #SpillTheBeans Creative Writing Club within the community where a writing prompt is provided by the community team each week. You should check it out as it's a fun way to improve your creative writing skills and learn from other club members.

  • There are two weekly curation reports: #TheGrind highlights excellent posts about coffee moments, experiences, and coffee shop reviews; whereas the #BestOfTheBeanies highlights some of the outstanding stories from the creative writing initiative.

  • All initiatives, contests, events, and posting topics must be coordinated and approved by the community admin and/or community moderator.

Cinnamon Cup Coffee is a thriving, vibrant community under the OCD incubation program which facilitates commensurate rewards for the efforts and work of active under-rewarded authors. Therefore, our key aim is to keep the community's standard high, amongst others on the blockchain.

If you're new to the community, a warm welcome on behalf of all members! If you're still just lurking, please feel free to subscribe right here.

Thank you for reading and we trust that you'll observe the rules and guidelines.

Please feel at home:)))
Community Founder


Cover photo belongs to millycf1976.

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