COFFEE CONTEST: In Celebration of Int'l Coffee Day. Option 1: Truth and health in a simple cup

Dear all, this is the first time I write for COFFEE CONTEST. It was a curious and beautiful process. I must say it: I have been impressed by how the instruction led me down a scriptural and sentimental path. Even when I knew what I was going to write about, entering the subject opened a warm and somewhat melancholic, but, finally, smiling door.
I will say that I chose the first option, but I think I wrote for the second as well:
Option 1:
Int'l Coffee Day Postcard Post:

Show us three personal photos that represent the ways coffee impacts and inspires you. With each photo, write a brief postcard-style note to someone whom you've bonded with over coffee. Then tell us a bit about them if you'd like!

The photographs are my own, taken with my RedmiNote9 phone and digitally intervened with PhotoShop.
I used DeepL to help me with the translation.

Thanks to the Cinnamon Cup Coffee community for kindly hosting my post.

Truth and health in a simple cup

café 1.png

In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas, says the old proverb frequently quoted in Latin. In wine there is truth and in water there is health... Surely you knew that, dear absent friend. You knew things like that. Often, it was things like these that we talked about over a cup of coffee. Wouldn't you have been the one to say to me that truth and health could be in a simple cup of coffee? It was always like that for us, dear friend. Somehow it still is, when I talk to you from my thoughts, in front of the lonely cup.

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These photographs from which I speak to kind readers whose image I share in my head with you are staged. I want to tell a story that cannot be told, but felt and intuited.
Absent friend, kind readers of these lines, have you not felt in the early morning while the aroma of coffee flows warmly to your nose that the world is a bubble of silent peace?
Absent friend, I know what you would have said about this: You would have said that the world can be equally peaceful between two companions having a cup of coffee while talking about anything. Something like a cup of coffee can hold the truth and the health of the heart.
That's why I've put in my photo scene a heart and three beautiful, healthy and spicy rocotos. Your heart was like this.
That's why I've also put some splinters of the palo de brasil tree (you would have told me that its name means red like ember). Your heart was also a tree that knew how to give shade.

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Many mornings were like that for us, dear absent friend. Then it was two cups of coffee taking future for granted. Commenting on the news and laughing. The world was a bubble of peace, until there was news for us, for your family and for so many people who loved you, and there were no more coffees in the office. I know what you would say to me right now. Like Horacio, you would have exclaimed Carpe diem quam minimum credula. Even if this monologue has turned melancholic, somehow that's exactly what I'm doing right now. Or so I did when I was setting up my photographic scene having a very strong coffee with papelon.
I was living in the present of honoring your memory with remembrance. Living the warmth of your words that always accompany me. You were my friend and you were my mentor, and you were a joyful heart, and you were a tree, and you were someone with whom I could always heal a bad day over a simple cup of coffee.
I smile, my dear friend.

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Gracias por la compañía. Bienvenidos siempre.

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