That Courage to Feel...



When we stand along with the world of changes and endless possibilities, we often reflect how often do we truly see yourself
That elusive friend who keeps on asking to you about self-awareness, responding to it foolishly in order not to dare to face
When the world’s ideals fades into whisper and asking us to stand before the mirror of our souls to glance inwardly in order to listen
We all backdown when things get uncomfortable, draw the curtains, dim the lights of that fearful void within but instead we turn outside for flaws…

As we twirl behind the past mistakes of this willful blindness, it takes great courage to acknowledge our own missteps
But sometimes we don’t dare to dance with truth or even dare to dance with dare, I’ve been so lost looking for who I really am
I want to make myself suffer for all the mistakes but still I was shattered thru the illusions we wanted to embrace believing to be strong
Still I want to cling to those righteous ones wrapping ourselves in those false hopeful warmth, but still I don’t want to give up for another minute that I could easily lose myself.

While wanted to breathe, your actions whisper to both righteous and to those unexamined, choices that made shadows disappear and makes you to just move forward
Like guilt, it makes you feel naked and that grows in you slowly, it becomes so heavier with time scratching those wounds day by day of remembering
We carry it with an unobvious presence, until you decided to take it step by step, recognize slowly those spirit weary unintentionally
In your heart, you just know that it has to end in order to build an anchor in a shaky ground of doubt, subtle ache and nameless comfort.

It became too much until you realize that you’re not built for the shift and squirm, that mental space could have been used to much deeper purpose
A shift that you couldn’t avoid in time, avoiding is just a piercing gaze of fire inside of you, the will of wanted to reach within and grasp that broken pieces of you
By staying up and holding to the thoughts you don’t need, you just wanted to let go and be “YOU” again, that fearless human being with bigger hopes
Still if you wanted to reach within, you wanted to do more without walking away, just being all human facing the weight and feeling, recognizing the truth you represent…

Just by reaching within, those debris of you still wanted to reach deeper within, to allow you to just grasp your own reality of heavier stone to bare
To still grasp that heavier stone but holding it even feels lighter, to examine and face the path lies not in denial but the courage confronts your deeds
To hold them gently even with trembling hands, and still that whispers watching you to fall but this too is a part of “YOU”
Who is the real you, that journey within makes you whole, that winding path through the dark forest of your mind makes you unlearn you and map the terrain of your desire…

To compassionately embrace what is
Seeking the path to wisdom
Power to choose awareness
To become more fully ourselves


Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..

As and will always be reminding you to dream:

“As you are still the Master of your destiny and the maker of your dreams…”

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