A Lifelong Love for Tech: How Childhood Gadgets Shaped My Passion

Today I am a very big take enthusiast and that is something that I have been so for a long period that has been the case from a very young age as well because a lot of things happened in such a manner which has been very crucial in developing my interest towards the sector and field of Technology because it has a lot of things to offer which is something that I have always been fascinated about and being talking endlessly for a very big junk of my day and whenever I get a chance of doing it with people and I never feel bored or anything of that sort because it is something that I love being involved in.


From my childhood itself, I have been exposed to technology all thanks to my father who got me a laptop at the t age of 5 he bought it for me obviously but he bought and it was a property that was almost every time available at home itself and more oftethenhe not I was the user of that particular thing than my father himself along with the fact that was also a personal computer that was existing in the home itself and both of these things were my first exposure to technology I would say and that happened at 10 age of 4 or 5 and since then I have been very much involved in technology and the first things that I used to be doing on these computers worst to play games.

Playing games ensured that I built a habit of using these gadgets at a very expensive period everything will day and in doing so I also used a lot of other things within the computer itself such as using the internet to browse a lot of things such as watching online content as well as also been playing online games and finding them so that I could be playing even more games such as the one that is existing offline itself and all of these things did grey my spectrum of the things that computer has to offer along with all of its features and in doing so I learned a lot about using computers from a very young age.


As I was growing older I always learned about the things that are involved in a computer and what are the things that make it even better such as the biggest specifications better specifications of particular hardware is something that you need to aim for which is going to be extremely important for utilizing it's more power and making sure that I can be performing even have your task such as heavy that was the case that I always try to discuss with my father and of course he was quite negative about this particular thing because why offering such aspects to a young kid as me but I grew older and I also got involved with a lot of other Technological gadgets as well such as Smartphones of that period as well as also PlayStation and the infotainment system on cars as well was very interesting for me.

These were the foundation of growing my interesindsthe Technology field for sure but as time passed and grew even older around the age of 16 or 17 I started discovering YouTube which was specifically based on technology and always talked and that was a turning point for me I would say. From that point onwards there was no turning back as learned more about technology and how it works as well as what interest towards a very new level that was a great point because from that time I knew that this was the sector that I needed to be getting myself the n world in and at that point of time that I am going to be pursuing my higher education in the field of Technology itself.


That is what happened as well later on because currently I am studying computer applications and pursuing my education in the particular field as well and it continuously still fascinates my mind in a lot of aspects because new technology that we see happen to emerge every now is a great example to be involved in this particular field as there is no limit to the development that it has to of and the time that we have seen pass over the years as well as the amazing amount of development that we have also noticed in this particular field of Technology is mesmerizing and been involved in such a sector that involves the power to change lives create an opportunity to say the least.

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