Money, mistakes and moving on

I’m back guys!!!!!!! 😁😁 did you miss me, cause I really did. I’ve been so busy working at the hotel, that I haven’t really been getting the chance or even time to come on here and let loose 😫.

Right now I’m sitting in our parlor, directly under the fan (as we were graciously granted light; note the sarcasm 😂). Often times I get back from that place late and tired that I just end up drifting to Lala Land without even knowing.

I wake up the next morning wondering when I slept off 😆😆

Ok!!!! Sooo enough about me and struggles guys 😊. With all the support, care and positive vibes I get in the space, I know I’ll pull through. I’ll keep fighting and pushing to the end 💪🏾.

Ok!! So we all know human beings are not perfect, like at all. We all have our faults, weaknesses and strengths.

My answer to this topic is YES!!! I have been a victim of internet fraud, in the sense of all these ponzi schemes. I know there are various other Nigerians who have also fallen victim to these schemes 😩.

Will you blame them though? With how tough life is in the country; our state of economy going worse by the day, nigerians are bound to look for means to get money 🥺 to feed themselves and their familes as even job opportunities are not available.

Well, in my case, I first found out about these Ponzi schemes when I was still in the university. I was told by a friend that it pays. All I had to do was to just bring people into it and also be mining something they called “barrick gold." I was a student; of course I would be interested in making some cash 🤷🏽‍♀😂.

Well, I definitely learned my lesson, the hard way at that 😂😂. Sooo, I started doing what was meant to be done in the ponzi to be able to get my money( like all ponzi schemes I had to use money to get money).

I started with the smallest amount they had so as to test and see if it was working (I mean, you can’t blame a girl for being cautious). 🙃.

After using the smallest amount and it worked, I was really happy and decided to continue "mining." I then started to add higher amounts and was still getting paid with the extra cash in it.

Well, lets just say my happiness didn’t last long 😢

One fateful day after using another high amount, hoping to get the rewards included, I wasn't bothered at first, not until my friends started to complain about the site not loading or it having issues.

I decided to check mine( while begging God in my mind for my own to work 🥹). I then noticed mine was also having the same issues, I started to get scared because of the amount of money I had used.

Do you even know the funny thing about all these? There was a group chat where we were getting information from the people in close contacts with the creator of the site and barrick gold.

When these issues where happening they kept telling us “ they were working on the bugs and network of the site” just to make us calm, well, we weren’t buying it tho.

This was us thinking, we had a say in the matter, we were very wrong tho. When it started to get worse, everyone just disappeared, like they vanished into thin air. It was heartbreaking but there was nothing we could do about it.

After this experience I told myself “ I will not do something like this again”.

Me and my coconut head didn’t listen. I was introduced to another of the sort and still agreed to join only for it to later crash without me even getting anything in return. 😔

This time, I WILL NOT join something like that agin, no matter how legit it looks. I have learnt my lesson “slow and steady wins the race”. Work hard for what you want, it might not come immediately but it will surely come. Don’t be easily tempted for it might cost you more.

For those who already have this strong sense to not get involved in these schemes, I say a big Kudos to you and more strength to you, keep it up guys.

Thank you for taking your time to read “My sad experiences in Ponzi schemes.”.

I hope you enjoy reading and that it can relate to you and help some other people 😊.

All photos used are mine

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