Grow Diaries 2024 #18 Legalization


This post is about medical/recreational cannabis.
I recommend you don't use it.
It could be illegal in your country.
Be careful!



Just by looking at it, I thought that not much had changed since last update.
But looking back and comparing pictures, I can now see that within the 3 days, the flowers increased density by a lot.
This #grow-diary is really helpful, actually.


The Quickness

It feels much longer, but this pictures is from only 25 days ago:

Those 2 plants in front, in the yogurt pots, are the ones in the pictures above.
25 days (!!!!1)


Now that the update is out of the way, let's talk about the legal limitations.
Until April this year, those plants were 100% illegal here in Germany.

The legalization was decided upon by the red-green-yellow government.

In 1998, 26 years ago, the green and red party of Germany, took over the government.
That was the first time the green party made it into government.
At the time, cannabis legalization was point no. 5 of their party program.
And they never even brought it up again, once they were in power.

why now?

They did not even bring it up the first time they formed the government.
But this legislation period they succesfully voted on it.
Why now?

The only difference I can see:
Now, we have a big medical cannabis industry in countries around us.
Mostly in Switzerland and the Czech Republic.

the law is silly

They legalized possession of up to 50g of dried cannabis flower.
At the same time, selling it is still very illegal.
Production is still illegal.*
How is that supposed to work?

* social clubs are meant to produce some, but the law makes it nearly impossible and the social clubs are forming, but haven't produced anything yet, as far as I am aware.

medical cannabis

An important piece of the puzzle, which was never communitcated to the public, is that they also changed how medical cannabis works.
You can now get a medical exemption from almost all laws very easily, too.
You can do that online, for 50€, and get the exemption within 1-3 days.
Then you can order cannabis online to the pharmacy of your choice.
There are already web-portals to buy this stuff online.
For very competitive prices, too.

cui bono?

(to) whose benefit?

Germans can not produce it at scale. That's illegal.
So the supply comes from Switzerland, Czech Republic and other places.
They are making bank right now.

Their industry around this is booming and it's in the hands of a few big companies.

...I think the reasons are clear now...


Big companies, from outside the country, greased the wheels.
The law is like it is, so Swiss companies can make $$$ and establish themselves, while the Germans can just look from the sidelines.

It's simply corruption. almost everything that is going on with this government. And the governments before it. Just the 'donors' are different now.

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