Hello all,
I have started an online clothing company and I'm looking for individuals who would like to promote my website for me. 😂 Poppa isn't trying to pay these outrageous marking cost for multiple platforms. Having individuals help via an affiliate program will be a win win for me and the individuals who would like to help. A couple of the benefits from this program is,
1:Program offers 10% per sell
2: I will refund your money spent on purchasing my clothes
3: I will use your pictures on my store website and in social media post: If I need to tag your social media profiles in the post I will.
4: Your content will be seen on multiple profiles as I do pay for marketing on platforms like Tiktok - Snapchat- Facebook - Pinterest and other making your content seen 100s of thousands of times.
Below is some of the clothes you would be helping to promote and you can reccive for free after the refund along with the website and affiliate program link.