@opidia returned the vape but she left something behind 🐱

WhatsApp Image 2022-05-14 at 10.52.57.jpeg

I have just retuned from a week in the UK and while I was annoyed that I wasn't able to go with my vape as intended I was happy to find when I got back that @opidia has now returned it and concluded this matter in an honourable fashion. With that said the vape was in fact left with our village mayor in an open plastic bag, which some people might interpret as an aggressive act. Vapes are normally used with illegal herbs so leaving it with the mayor (who is both our neighbour & landlord) was a pretty dumb thing to do. You could have left it with anyone in this village except him? Or even just lowered the vape by it's cable onto our courtyard table? Thankfully the mayor handed it over without too much commentary about our weed smoking habits, so now it is done.

Two abandoned cats

Before I depart this subject once and for all I do feel like mentioning that @opidia and her friend left two of their cats behind. The cat in the image at the top is called Chupy and was deposited with a lady in the village while they did their move. When they came back to pick it up recently, they discovered that the lady had been feeding it commercial cat food (because that's what most people do!) and instead of showing gratitude to the lady who had done them a favour they explained that the cat had been contaminated now and they no longer wanted it. And with that they drove off into the sunset! Oh wait, they also said something to her about cats being vegan, which I must quickly clarify for them is entirely untrue. You only have to look at the species they are from to see how vegan they really are.


The lady also told me yesterday they abandoned a second cat, named Samba, who is currently roaming this village homeless. Samba is male and not neutered, so will now add to the homeless cat problem this village already has. The lady does not feel herself to be responsible for either of these two cats but is currently trying to find a home for Chupy who visits her courtyard once a day for food.

I will let you decide for yourselves what kind of person abandons members of their family because someone fed them junk food.

It is unlikely @opidia will be commenting here because she has informed me in the comment section of this post that she will never communicate with me again, publicly or privately. She also pointed out in her final message how easy it would be for me to lie about the return of my vape. Well, here's me demonstrating how I am not a dishonest person. I just wanted the vape back. And now I have it :)

Great to see how this blockchain has a way of keeping us honest. Even in the real world.

Thank you @opidia & friend for returning the vape and for all the lessons. You can be sure they will not be forgotten. I wish you all the best on your journey.

In my next post I will go into why I was in the UK.

Just wanted to conclude this matter in a dedicated post.

Love & Light everyone 🌱

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