Sheep and Crypto (fable)

Sheep and Crypto

In distant lands, in unreal digital world,
There lived mysterious Crypto, virtual entity.
He was symbol of wealth and confidence,
Unit of exchange in modern world.

Sheep lived nearby, she was grazing in field,
She was simple and humble creature,
Ate delicious grass, happy and calm,
Not knowing about Crypto and markets.

Free image from Pixabay

One day fate brought them together.
When Crypto came to Sheep's farm,
He shone with brilliance of pure luxury.
Sheep meanwhile peacefully chewed grass.

Crypto proudly talked about his strength,
About growth potential in global markets.
Sheep listened, not understanding meaning,
She was far from digital world and trading.

But one day catastrophic crisis came to markets,
And Crypto price began to plummet.
Crypto realized that his strength running out,
And he will turn into handful of coals.

But Sheep continued to live her simple life,
She did not panic in world of markets.
She remained happy and free,
Does not depend on cryptocurrency volatility.

It's time to sum up fable about Sheep and Crypto.
What is meaning? You have comprehended it yourself:
Someone lives full life, keeps up with the times,
And someone from birth to old age just chews grass.
The second is always majority, by the way.

The original text was written by me in Russian. I haven't studied English systematically, so translation may not be ideal. The main work was done by Google Translate, I just corrected obvious absurdities, where I noticed them and where I did not confuse them with brilliant insights.

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