Pliers and Helicopter (fable)

Pliers and Helicopter

There was old Helicopter in cramped hangar,
Screws creaked, rusted from dampness and age.
Old Helicopter dreamed of sky and freedom,
But no one repaired him, everyone had no time.

One day Pliers sneaked into hangar,
And insinuatingly said to Helicopter:
"Be patient a little, my friend, at first it will hurt,
But then you'll be as good as new and will fly."

Free image from Pixabay

"Apparently, fate sent you! - said Helicopter. -
I thought that I would remain forever in this barn.
Get started with repairs quickly, don’t waste time,
I will endure pain and I give permission to everything!"

Pliers started working, major repairs began,
Something was buzzing, sparks were flying from everywhere.
At some point, Helicopter experienced vague alarm,
But he hastened to drive away restless thoughts,
Because skies and freedom of flight awaited him.

But when work was over, Helicopter did not recognize itself.
In the mirror he saw dreadful digging machine,
Monstrous symbiosis of terrible engineering fantasies.

"What am I?" - Helicopter screamed in horror.

"Now you will be useful," - Pliers answered briefly
And didn’t honor Helicopter with further communication,
After all, it was no longer free Helicopter,
But awful and weak-willed mechanical creature.

So, story of Helicopter carries bitter lesson:
Not every change can benefit us.
Sometimes happens, life transforms us in such a way,
That it would be better if everything remained as before.

The original text was written by me in Russian. I haven't studied English systematically, so translation may not be ideal. The main work was done by Google Translate, I just corrected obvious absurdities, where I noticed them and where I did not confuse them with brilliant insights.

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