Religious Radicalism and National Ignorance

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In June 2022, religious radicalism groups are causing problems again in my country. They make the capital city of Jakarta restless and even the entire archipelago. These radical groups interfere with the progress of the Indonesian nation. They dared to oppose the ideology of the Indonesian state, namely Pancasila, they also dared to oppose ancestral religion and culture which was full of wisdom and wisdom.

Religious radicalism groups have become too disturbing, so they must be cleaned up to the roots. Law enforcers should act more firmly against people who embrace this radical ideology. Education and tolerance in Indonesia must be given more attention because the next generation is the key to peace in the future.

For too long, these radical groups have been allowed to create problems in Indonesia. Radicalism groups have too often trampled on the nobility of the culture of the ancestors of the archipelago. The social environment is often damaged by their ideologies so people are influenced by them. How stupid would the Indonesian people be if they allowed radical groups to destroy the Indonesian nation? How long do you want?

The ideology of radicalism originating from an arid and terrible country managed to enter Indonesia and was able to indoctrinate the Indonesian nation. The low quality of education in Indonesia creates stupid human resources so the doctrine of religious radicalism is very easy for these groups to carry out. Education in Indonesia does not train future generations to think critically, rationally, and systematically. As a result, the doctrine of radicalism continues to spread like cancer.

Not only that, but politics in Indonesia is also very corrupt. There is no social justice happening in Indonesia. Social inequality is often found in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta. This corrupt politics and injustice make people angry so that radical groups can easily provoke them to become followers of this radical group. Corrupt politics only cares about political parties and their power. They turn a blind eye to what is happening at this moment. As a result, people no longer respect the law because of the actions of their government.

Many discourses and speeches want Indonesia to become a developed country. However, as long as the ideology of radicalism still exists, a corrupt government is still in power, and the quality of education is still low, Indonesia can't become a developed country. Because these three things are obstacles to the progress of the Indonesian state and nation. If the Indonesian people want to progress as the discourses discussed, then all must work together to get rid of the three obstacles to the nation's progress.

The education system in Indonesia must be completely overhauled. Educators must be able to train generations to think critically and rationally. The main elements that must be developed in the education system are common sense and self-awareness. In this way, the ideology of radicalism is not easy to enter to indoctrinate the next generation.

The people must also have the courage to jointly suppress the dirty government and political parties so that social justice becomes a reality. Law enforcers must also be firm in dealing with corruption that often occurs. That way, the people and law enforcement can work together in fighting corruption. It is also an effort to fight poverty and ignorance.

Religious radicalism is an ideology that torments and fools the Indonesian people. By overhauling the education system and fighting corruption, the ideology of radicalism cannot develop in Indonesia. This ideology has been a thorn in the flesh for a long time, it is time for us to remove that thorn so as not to hurt the Indonesian people. It is time for the Indonesian people to unite and rise from the colonialism of radicalism. This is all for the progress of the nation and the State of Indonesia.

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