Is there any need for exams in schools/colleges?

Sitting down here trying to study for the test I have later this morning, a thought of the real need for the "test of brain" or exams given to students. Is there any need to prove you understand what you were though? Why not teach and let us be with our understanding.


The fun of schooling is often seized in time of tests or examinations. Sometimes students feel so pressured before exams and get sick.

The extraction of knowledge from an individual or group of people should be at will and not compulsory. Students should be given the privilege to sit for exams or test at their will and not it being imposed on them.

Education that are paid for doesn't require an extra item like test/exams to be a prove of understanding. The student whose tuition is paid by their parent's or guidance or his/herself should have the willingness to learn, else, no need to impose a prove that they understood what they were thought or a defence to subject they are in flow with your lectures. If it will happen, the students should be the ones requesting for the tests or exams, knowing a prove to self is worth more than a prove to others.

Sometimes this whole preparations for exams keeps students on the edge not minding what they are facing or going through at the fixed time of that quiz. Now instead of helping, it messes up their brain, same brain needed for the quiz.

I know I might be sounding abstract, but yeah I feel tests and exams shouldn't be must for students.

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