Carve Your Own Path



Whether it's life, your job, business or hive, one thing is common. People have opinion, and it influences other people's action.

On hive, many people share their opinion about what type of content you should and should not post. What you should do with your money, and where you should invest.

And to a level, it influences your decision, especially if the advise comes from someone you look up to.

Similarly, in general life, there are people who give their opinion on what you should do in your work, what type of jobs are good for you and which ones are not secure, not worth doing.

Often other people think that they know what is good for you and what is bad for you. While they lack the understanding or can't figure out what's good and what's bad for themselves.

Other people's opinion outweighs your instincts.

If you listen to anyone and do what you don't want to do, you are throwing away your time, energy and sometimes a big part of your life.

Here on hive, topics related to crypto, and hive gets a bit more attention than any other topic. Maybe because of common interest between people. So, almost everyone is somewhat keen to write in the finance niche, even if they don't have much idea about the topic.

Similarly, in life, career in medicine and law gets more attention. Maybe because of the endless opportunities, and better pay.

If you can align your interest then it's good. But what if you can't? Doing something just for the sake of money, how long will it work?

If you work just for the sake of money, can you give all of your focus and energy, push yourself more when things don't work out, which in life, often does.
But when people work for something more than money, they can push themselves to any limit.

People who leave secure and well paying jobs, does so because they are not happy there. Even tons of money can't make them happy.

How long does the money incentive works?

I am sure the incentive of money can influence short term behavior, but I am not so sure about long term behavior.

If you don't enjoy what you do daily, or you feel like your contribution is not worth your efforts, you will stop. Leave.

Sure having more money does help. But when it starts making your life miserable, does it actually help in the long term?

Time flies like nothing else. People around me often talk about how they feel they are wasting their life. But they are in their job/business for so long that they are scared to try something new. It's scares them to try something else that might not work out.

You can't hide or run away from the life you hate.

I have seen people absorbed in entertainment, distractions because they can't solve financial or emotional issues in their life.

All the factors matter. What you do for a living, how much free time you have, how much financially stable you are, and whether you feel okay or not while going to your work.

I have been in a bad job. One where you hate to wake up, because you have to go and work 8-10 hours a day somewhere you hate. Pay was good but people were toxic.

I have been into a business where money was unstable but because of the people around whom I used to work with were wonderful, I enjoyed every bit of it, and still do.

Over time, I learnt to take my focus from frustration to actually making things happen.

Getting frustrated doesn't help. You still have to work.

The world is full of so many opportunities these days.

Just a few decades ago, you had very limited options. If your parents were farmer, chances were you would also grow up to be a farmer.

Thanks to internet, you have tons of options now. Youtube, blogging, gaming, crypto, nft's, digital marketing, etc. New things are always popping up. New fields are opening up. People are discovering to do old jobs in a new and interesting way. People are getting creative with their work.

And everyday, someone out there is working on to create a new billion dollar industry. Something you can be a part of, and earn your bread from it.

There may be endless opportunities out there, but you still have to work. There is no such thing as success without sacrifice. Most of the good things in life comes from discomfort, sacrifice, and patience.

I think searching for passion or purpose is a total waste of time.

You may enjoy thinking about doing something for a long time, but when you actually do it, you might not enjoy it. Then you are confused and don't know what to do further.

Whether you chose something for monetary incentives, or because of your passion/interest, it's better to try a few things at a smaller level than going all in and regretting later. It's better to make multiple small bets.

Some may work out, some may not. But overall you win!

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