Rocks produce CO2

Rocks produce CO2

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“When it comes to science, the authority of a thousand is not superior to the humble reasoning of a single person”, that phrase is not mine, it is Galileo Galilei's, he said it almost four centuries ago and these days we have seen how the opinion majority of scientists were wrong, they have had to rectify it.

It was believed that the natural weathering of rocks, that is, their erosion when they are broken by natural processes, it was believed that this natural weathering captured CO2, which is a greenhouse gas, but new research published on October 4 in the scientific magazine nature shows that this is not the case, that instead of capturing CO2 it releases it, especially in the mountain formation processes.

When the rocks that were part of the floor of the ancient seas and trapped remains of plants and animals end up being elevated by tectonic forces, forming mountain chains such as, for example, the Himalayan chain, on whose peaks we can find fossils of marine animals and plants. .

According to researchers, the natural weathering of rocks emits as much CO2 as Volcanoes, this could explain the increase in C02 today and could be responsible for the climate change that the earth suffers in its cycles.

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