AI is all around us

AI is an acronym for Artificial Intelligence but has become a label for much more.


The modern term AI was coined in 1956

The beginnings of modern AI can be traced to classical philosophers' attempts to describe human thinking as a symbolic system. But the field of AI wasn't formally founded until 1956, at a conference at Dartmouth College, in Hanover, New Hampshire, where the term "artificial intelligence" was coined.

Like Bitcoin, over the years there have been many AI summers and winters.
Unlike Bitcoin it feels like we are in an AI Summer at the moment.
Growing up AI was always something that I felt was coming and one day we would be having conversations with robots, or be their servants.

Evolution of AI

The modern everyday usage of the term is much wider than the term that purists and computer scientists would use to describe Artificial Intelligence.
It has become a synonymous label for Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Facial Recognition, Computer Speech, Analytics even Data.


The reality is that AI is already here and we use it every day. Maybe Artificial General Intelligence, or Self Aware AI will never become a reality. In 2022 AI is really just another name for sophisticated Machine Learning algorithms. Maybe it won't ever be much more. From an evolutionary point of view this probably makes sense. Why would the human race evolve something that is going to kill it off? Nature or whatever higher power there is surely a bit smarter than that

AI in 2022

I use AI in every facet of my life. From talking to my phone to deciding what show to watch on tv, to finding my way home. AI and AI powered devices are everywhere and just like automation and technology and every other innovation its not something to be afraid of. The future is a future of Hybrid symbiotic systems. We will learn to work together.

Humans and Machines Working Together

Hybrid AI


Charlie Bird is a vetern Irish Broadcaster and Journalist. He has been in the Industry for decades and last year was diagnosed with Motor Neuron Disease. For him his voice has been badly affected fairly quickly and for a nation who has been familiar with his voice for nearly 4 decades everyone's heart goes out to him.

Using AI

An Irish Company has been working with him and his wife, who supplied hours of voice recordings to build an AI that would enable him to Speak Again and I heard it today on the radio.

He said he was very much against the idea at first but hearing him today (and his computer generated voice) really made an impact for me.
This must be hugely encouraging for him and his family knowing that he will be able to continue to communicate in his natural voice. Really inspiring stuff.

The Future

The future for AI is bright but it might not materialise exactly as we envisioned. It might actually help the Human Race and not destroy it.

Let me know what you think in the comments, What AI innovation has changed your life?


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