What should be classified, or secret?

I think the long road to creating intelligence services and attempting to create secret services and secret information has gone too far. I think limits on how this should be done have long ago been overstepped.


If they can keep the information secret then they won't need to call it classified.

I am actually increasingly becoming to think that if someone knows the right question to ask that the information should no longer be classified.

I even am thinking this applies to most intellectual property.

I do know reasons we might want to classify things yet the REASONS for classification are much less in my mind than the reasons not to classify.

Open it up.

Sure there will be bad things that happen due to open information. We will need to deal with those on a case by case basis and learn.

I think the negative/bad things happening due to the secrecy are already doing massive damage on a global scale and it is only getting worse.

We give the political leeches and cockroaches too many places to hide their works...

The corruption grows in secrecy...

It is cleansed in the light.

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