Prove them wrong

Prove them all wrong. Your family, your friends, your teacher, and everyone else. Prove them all wrong. I saw this because we all see that many people do not get enough support from their families or friends. After all, they do not believe in you and your abilities.

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Have you ever faced a situation where the people closest to you have tried to demotivate you because they thought you cannot do it?

I think that the best form of revenge is to prove them all wrong. I write this today here because I have faced this situation in my life.

No one believed that I could do something with my life. I remember a family member calling me hopeless and a gone case.

I do not blame them for thinking that about me because I was indeed not very good at what I did. I was bad at studies and I did not enjoy stuff normal kids enjoy.

So, this made me a little bit difficult to understand. I was an introvert with a few issues but no one tried to look into that. Everyone just expects every kid to behave the same and they start expecting great things from us.

One of the worst things in life is to be compared to others. Our society always tries to compare us all. I was often compared with my siblings and it caused me unnecessary anxiety.

In my experience, I have found that students underperform when they are constantly compared with others. Until the time I was living with my family I was always underperforming in my studies and when I moved out I started to do well not only in studies but also in extracurricular activities.

And I think the only reason I was able to perform and reach greater heights in life because I was away from everyone who gave me negative vibes.

They say that if you say negative things to a tree then the tree starts to die and when you say positive things to the same tree it starts to grow faster and grows to be a healthy tree.

I think kids are also like that and we need to provide them with a proper environment to grow and let their wings open properly. If the child has a lot of pressure then obviously it is going to affect its mental growth.

And when I started to perform better I realized that I was achieving things that I had thought I can never achieve. I was an introvert who rarely spoke to people and when I started to gain confidence it was easy for me to not only speak to people but I was also able to speak on stage.

The transformation took quite some time and a lot of hard work. I had to work on my skill and build up my confidence level so that I could face these situations that thought were too tough for me.

Once I started to outperform my siblings they all were shocked and they could not believe that I had achieved all these things. And you know what I proved them wrong. I proved them all wrong. Life is a struggle but it does not have to be too hard. Make it easy for those around you and you will see the miracles they can do.

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