Thinking About Hive: Articles, Pages, Wiki, Bookmarks and Personal Use

Lately, there have been some posts discussing the idea of Hive as a collection of "pages."

It seems like an interesting idea, and in some ways ties back to some comments by Dan Larimer, a very long time ago... talking about our predecessor as a "repository of information" operating within the immutability of the blockchain.

That said, I always find myself feeling a sense of caution whenever the idea comes up to use Hive in some Specific way. Or that this specific way would have the most value.


"Value" is a Slippery Beast!

I also remember a time — again, quite a few years back — where someone suggested that "Hive 1.0" could serve as a repository of human stories, with people's blogs somehow representing snapshots of their lives, and the overall community representing what was characterized as "The Internet of PEOPLE" (rather than the Internet of "things" or "ideas" as is more traditionally touted).

As a blogger, I thought that particular variant to have some merit. And certainly had my interest, on a personal level.

That would be a different kind of value, although likely not a commercial value.

Which begs the question — at least in my mind — of whether "value" always needs to be measured in dollars-and-cents... that is, in the commercial sense of the word.


As a USER...

As a Hive ecosystem user, I certainly wouldn't want to feel like I were stuck in a paradigm of only being valued to the degree that I could add "encyclopedic information" to the data stream. Heck... there's already more written about every topic on the planet than I would be able to disseminate in a lifetime!

"Value" is a slippery beast in the sense that it always comes with the question "Value... to WHOM?" attached.

I often find Hive to have value as a place to leave periodic personal bookmarks/benchmarks, charting points on the curve of my life, and points on the journey through my time on Hive.

These are relatively personal posts that definitely has value to me, but likely are of relatively little value to someone else... unless we happened to be part of some writing/staking challenge, or something like that.


Voluntary Freedom...

As an additional wrinkle to this whole line of thinking, there's also the issue of freedom, which is something near and dear to the hearts of a significant body of Hive's community members. These are the folks who come here — or already are here — precisely to escape the influence of controlling overlords telling them how, and how not to, conduct their business.

But, to return to the original concept of "pages," it does seem like a very interesting layer two proposition, where there might be a community serving as the umbrella over such content.

Pages as Hive Wiki?

The reason I even felt inspired to pen a few words about this was that I actually found myself wishing there were a "Hive Wiki" of sorts — in lieu of a FAQ — where users (thinking particularly of newcomers, here) could look up pretty much "soup to nuts" about all possible aspects of Hive... because there sure is a lot I still don't know about this project, AND I would have little idea where to look.

Ironic, isn't it?

We need a "central" repository of information to explain the ins and out of a DE-centralized platform!

But I rather feel that we do, because information about the Hive ecosystem is rather piecemeal, in its current form.

Just some random rambles.

Thanks for visiting and having a look at my blog, and till the next one!


Posted using Proof of Brain

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