Don't you want a child?

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Have you ever thought about how exhausting people can be? Haven't you?
Trust me, they are.

So, recently on December 11, I turned 31. Many women and ladies in the Surinamese community (and certainly among Hindus like me) have children around this age.
But I don't.

It's not that I don't have a desire to have children. But when you have other goals in your life at a specific time, you are just focused on other things.

For example, I am now at the end of my Bachelor in Mathematics study and have to work tightly on my thesis so that I finish it within 3 to 4 months at most.
Therefore, I am definitely not thinking of saddling myself with a child right now.

Moreover, it is super important to carefully consider who you are making a child with.
As a young girl and young woman, I struggled my whole life because I never knew father love. So I think 10 times harder about who should be the father of my children.

However, I see around me a lot of women who just make children for their own pleasure. Because they long for a baby.That is totally wrong! And selfish!
You should not have a baby for your pleasure, you should make a baby when you are ready for it!

Are you mature enough yourself and are you and your partner on the same page when it comes to raising children?
Are you financially stable enough to feed and give the child the education he deserves?
Are you mentally strong enough to stand by the child when he needs you?
There is still so much that is involved when you bring a child into the world....

But many people don't seem to think about that. Which is very sad.
Very often I see posts pop up on social media where single mothers with 4 or 5 kids are looking for help because they can't feed the kids.
And then the question always comes to mind, 'But where is the father?'

It's sad to see how many children are walking around hungry. And then we can collect so many donations and so on, but wouldn't it be more convenient for us adults to first make sure that we are mentally and financially stable enough and only then conceive children?

Tragedies can happen for sure, it can happen that you and your partner have children and he dies. But even then, you should be quite able (and certainly financially) to continue taking care of your children.
Therefore, as a woman, make sure that you build yourself up and also make enough income for your children.
Therefore, as a man, also make sure that you can cook and make laundry for your children.
Children are not toys. They are a responsibility!

Going back to what I mentioned at the beginning, very often I get asked if I don't have a desire to have children and when I am going to make children. And that makes me so mad! Because the question comes from people who know where I am in life right now. And very often the question comes from women too. šŸ™ƒ

Well, then I want to say with every drop of sarcasm that lives in me, 'Send your husband to me. Then I will make a baby. But will you take care of the baby if he is born?'

But then I push my sarcasm away with a smile and say with downcast eyes (as we learn among us Hindus), 'I don't know.'

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Thank you for visiting my blog and for reading this. I appreciate that very much. And don't forget to let me know what your thoughts are on this topic.ā¤ļø
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