Soil Types Is Required In Planting

Hello everyone, hope you are doing very well today. It's been a while since I came, so I am excited to be here again.

Today I went out and something got my attention. There are plants you don't just plant anywhere if you want them to yield. It is very important to under soil types and the properties they have so that it will not be very hard for some plants to grow. There are plants that need to be planted in a soil that has a lot of water as one of its properties, so that it will not be very hard for it to grow.

I grow noni plants and it is a plant that needs to be planted in a soil that has a lot of water. Before I planted it, I thought that it will be good to plant it in clay soil because the clay soil retains water a lot but when I did that, I noticed that it was dying off, so I decided to transplant to a loamy soil but to a place where I know that water lodge there. There are soils that water lodge there because of where it is situated. So I planted it there and it is yielding very fast for me.

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