Expectations vs. Reality: Navigating Disappointment with Grace

Throughout our lives, there are a lot of such moments when we are expecting something and have made a lot of plans about that particular event going in a certain manner, and having those plans not going they were intended to a something that is a huge disappointment at all times. There is something that we are always going to be making sure that that is a particular event that isn't going to happen which is why we are cautious about making sure that it is not going to be and even that may happen and try always to make sure that it isn't going to be that reality which we always so dreadfully fear.


But in a lot of circles answers it is not always going to be in our control and we and Bean in those situations where we always accepted that it is not going to be the case but it is not always under our control and things go wrong which is by we need to be always be prepared about the fact that things me not always go as a plan and that particular sense of excitement can be killed at any moment but it is always going to be humans as we always feel that everything is going to be as plan and as well.

In reality, it is always going to be that 50-50 chance go the way they were intended to as well, and in an instant they can go the wrong way as well and we always need to be prepared for the same as well. We can see always that we should not be keeping Expectations and always be having that other side open in which things may go wrong but it is always going to be felt by us that we are going to face the perfect situation that is always going to be laid down for us and most probably that is what causes the most issues as well.


The most common thing that happens with a lot of people around the world on a very regular basis is the aspect of what we order as well as what we see and that is something that is always going to be met with disappointment for sure but the amount of disappointment is always going to be measured in a lot of faces as the factor that is going to be ensuring that as well as deciding is going to be with the number of efforts as well as the source of excitement that we had to get a particular thing done.

I'll share one of my instances concerning all of these particular aspects because I have faced that as well when I was expecting something to be received but it was a big disaster as well as a huge disappointment as it was on a grand occasion as well which made it all much words then it would have been on a regular day.

It was the time of Diwali which is a very big festival over here in India there are a lot of in which the celebrations are made sure to be in the best manner possible and food is a big factor in getting things in the way that they are the most delightful as well because celebrations are always going to be met with a lot of cooked trees as well as the amazing delicacies that are going to be making the day even more special and that is why we ordered a lot of famous and amazing food items from a particular restaurant to make the day even more special.

All of us had a really great sense of anticipation about the sweets as well as the dishes that were going to be arriving in a very short time and we were going to experience the festival offerings in a really great manner and also keeping the worries about cooking things ourselves away so that we can be having the day totally for ourselves and also enjoy the day in a much better manner but once the food arrived the reality was much away from the Expectations that we had because it ultimately doesn't into something that we never expected as well as the quality of food was far from what we expected.

The food was meant to have a very good impact on the Diwali celebrations for us but it was a source of disappointment for sure as it turned down a lot of feelings because it was completely a big mess to match our expectations which were delivered and were a disappointing experience that we all had on that particular special day.


All in all, it was a day which was filled with a lot of disappointment and on the same part about what we ordered as well as the thing that we received and in those particular, it is a great opportunity to having the disappointment handled in a much better manner because Indore it is very easy to lose the cool and make sure that we are going to do something that we met later but having our cool within ourselves and shift the perspective from that particular aspect and focusing on the larger context which was of celebrating Diwali is something that we should have a focus on and we also ended up doing that because of the same thoughts.

The gap between what we expect to receive as well as what we end up receiving is something that is always going to be existing in which I was well we are getting but at the same time, it is always important that we always ensure the fact that there are going to be certain moments that are not going to be the way we plan and therefore we need to always be able to have a backup plan or even have that particular sense of dealing the situation in the best possible manner.

Ultimately everything that we are expecting in our life is always going to have that unpredictability factor as it me turn out to be one of the happiest moments in our lives but at the same time it is also having that particular ability to make sure that we are going to have a day filled with disappointment but in the end, it is upon us that how we are going to be dealing with that particular scenario.

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