PRACTICAL STEPS TO IMPROVE HEALTH & SAFETY//Cleaning activity for Tuesday 12-3-2024

Today, I want to take a look at practical steps to improve health and safety. Most organisations and individuals are guilty of this however the little idea I will share hopefully might bring a quantum leap to your understanding.

Heath is wealth. One of the steps is to involve the employee in risk assessment or investigating an accident. By doing this it would build up a good health culture in the life of an employee.

Another step to improve the safety and health is to encourage Hazard identification and reporting of any defects.

In improving the health of individual, trainings and seminars should be organised to deal with some common health issue and concerns. At times they can be sent on a course or other information programme.

Opportunity should be created or given to employees so that they can disciple or groom other young workers. This I also termed as mentorship which would even reduce cost on the organisation.

Another safety way is to set up suggestions scheme. In some organisations they have suggestions box where new idea can be dropped so that they can be attended to later.

The employee can also go on excursion or safety tour, inspection where such worker is exposed to other health tips.

Follow me in my subsequent post as I share more about safety and health which is basic for successful clean planet activity.

Here are the pictures snapped during the task for today being Tuesday and I hope you will enjoy watching it.

Thanks @solarisfuture @cleanplanet @cleanyourcity

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