[Eng/Esp]Sharing of my family//Compartir de mi familia.

Greetings friends of this beautiful community, thank God for the days that He gives us, today I am going to talk to you about the sharing of my family.

Saludos amigos de esta hermosa comunidad,gracias a Dios por los dias dias que nos regala,hoy les voy hablar del compartir compartir de mi familia.

Yesterday we made a surprise for my father and my brother who had a birthday. The cake that you can see in the second picture with the cattle figures is my brother's and my son made these beautiful portraits because my brother loves animals, especially cows.
En el dia de ayer realizamos una sorpresa a mi padre y mi hermano que estaban de cumpleaños el pastel que observara en la segunda fotografia con las figuritas de ganado es el de mi hermano y mi hijo realizo esos hermosos retratos ya que a mi hermano le encantan los animales sobre todo las vacas.

This other cake is my father's and it is a reflection of my father's love for agriculture since his childhood. My father told us yesterday on his 76th birthday that since he was very young he has liked to grow plants, especially corn.
Este otro pastel es el de mi padre y es reflejado a lo que le gusta a mi padre la agricultura desde su niñes mi padre nos contaba ayer cumpliendo su 76 años de edad que desde muy pequeño le gusta sembrar plantas sobre todo el maiz.

My father and my brother were very happy with their birthday cake, we also made a delicious barbecue of beef, salad and cassava as you eat in the plain, I can tell you that thank God everything went as we expected in family unity and humbly.
Mi padre y mi hermano muy contentos con su pastel de cumpleaños ,tambien realizamos una deliciosa parrilla de carne de res,ensalada y casabe como se come en el llano,les puedo decir que gracias a Dios todo nos salio como lo esperabamos en union familiar y humildemente.




I can tell you that last night we had a unique and different day of family sharing and for that I thank my God.

Les puedo decir que anoche pasamos un dia unico y diferente en el compartir familiar y por eso le doy gracias a mi Dios.

I hope that it will be of your interest and pleasure to continue sharing a little more with you, God bless you greatly.

Espero que sea de su interes y agrado para seguir compartiendo un poco mas con ustedes,Dios los bendiga grandemente.

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