A Layered Nature Of Deceit

If I remember correctly, "Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!" is a saying that's attributed to Sir Walter Scott, who mentioned it in his poem "Marmion".

Marmion is basically about a dishonorable 16th-century English nobleman and his downfall during the Anglo-Scottish war of the same century.

I'm not really sure why but this saying above has been showing up frequently on my digital feed. I don't know whether it's a subtle message from the universe or it's just a general sentiment from the corner of the internet I currently frequent and immerse myself in.

From my own life, there isn't something distinct that I can relate this saying to other than stories I've heard from people who've also heard the story from people who've gone through this experience of deception. Of course, most of it is on the receiving end, people who've been victim to it.

I think humans are inherently good but when push comes to shove and our back is against the wall, we often tap into our not so good aspects to survive or protect ourselves.

This could well be a justification for why people resort to deception, but then, does the end really justify the means?

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Webs Of Tanglement

So the story tells of two brothers, from the same neighborhood, who've practically living together for 15 years and have a single-minded goal of travelling to another continent, to experience a different life.

Through a chance encounter with a seemingly wealthy businessman, one of the brothers, let's call him Jack, is lured into a dubious scheme promising quick money.

The businessman, Mr. Smith, presents an opportunity to invest in a "guaranteed" high-return venture. Blinded by the prospect of fast-tracking their dream of traveling abroad and the increasing tough circumstances they're facing,

Jack decides to invest not only his share of the travel fund but also his brother's share, let's call him Tom, without telling him.

As weeks and months pass, Jack became more secretive, making countless excuses for his absences and avoiding discussions about their travel plans. Tom notices the change but initially chalks it up to work stress.

He later discovered their shared savings have been completely depleted and a confrontation ensues. Cornered Jack admits to the investment but assures Tom it will pay off soon, doubling or even tripling their money.

Tom, feeling betrayed and wary of the scheme, urges Jack to pull out. Unfortunately for Jack who's now fully entangled in Mr. Smith's web of promises and threats, refuses.

Months stretch into an year, and the promised returns never materialize. Mr. Smith became elusive, and Jack realized he had been scammed.

Desperate to recoup the losses and salvage their dream, he went hunting for Mr. Smith only for the latter to present him with another dubious offer, to work abroad.

Thinking that his dream has finally materialized, Jake makes an impulsive decision and accept the offer and hastily leaves a few weeks later.

Only after he had arrived abroad that Jack decides to tell Tom about it, who felt utterly betrayed and shocked beyond reason.

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Jack assures Tom he'll send money soon. And after a few sporadic messages back and forth, Jack seemingly disappears, becoming unreachable as if he had ceased to exist.

Both Deceiver And Deceived

There's both a perpetrator and a victim of deception in this story, Jack and Tom. But it's more nuanced than that, Jack is also a victim when viewed through the lens of his own desperate circumstances and Mr. Smith's manipulative scheme.

Jack's initial deception, born out of a desire to fast-track their shared dream, has spiraled into a complex web of lies and consequences. He bears responsibility for his choices but also fell victim to a larger deception orchestrated by Mr. Smith.

I think such a layered nature of deceit shows how easily one can become both deceiver and deceived, entangled in a web of their own making yet also caught in the snares set by others, which may eventually eat up their own web just like a spider tangled in the very threads it spun, ends up getting eaten by larger predators in its own habitat.

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