CREATIVE BLOGGER TAG || Getting To Know Each Other Better And Making Hive A Better Place

"What helps make your future a brighter one is if you'll make the decision today to choose to be happy and thankful for the present, and just let the future be."
• Matt Morris

I made one of the best decisions of my Life returning to Hive last month, It looked fated as I've been blessed with so many people guiding me in my Hive Journey,One being @starstrings01,co-founder of the @newbies-hive initiative alongside the @aliento team which support newbies on Hive.I really appreciate him (@starstrings01) for tagging me to the Creative blogger tag initiative by @jongcl .



Image by @jongcl explaining the creative blogger tag


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Image by @jongcl explaining the creative blogger tag rules


The blogger who tagged me is @starstrings01

The two OBLIGATORY QUESTIONS along with this Tag are the following:
Obligatory Question #1: How Would You Add Value to Hive?
Obligatory Question #2: How would you make Hive a better place?


Image by @jongcl

Here are the FIVE (5) Questions I need to answer which I will start with:

  1. What is the one thing you can change in your life if you have the power to? And why?
  2. If you are to meet 5 Hivers in person, who would they be and why so?
  3. What are your best qualities as a person?
  4. What Superpower would you love to have and why?
  5. How do you wish to spend the forth coming Christmas if all your wishes are to be granted?



1. What is the one thing you can change in your life if you have the power to? And why?

My Answer is Nothing. I thought so hard before answering this question and then I realized that I have lived a very interesting life. I really don't want to know how my life will be if I altered anything. It's not been a sweet ride , yes I know that with alot of factors which I think is why its interesting. but this version of myself has adjusted to all the quandary and storms life has thrown at me, And yes, This version always finds happiness. So My answer is nothing.

2.If you are to meet 5 Hivers in person, who would they be and why so?

This is a very interesting one because I really love to engage and I had wishes to write about this question and am glad I got the right prompt to do so.In no particular order they are @thekittygirl, @starstrings01 , @tungphong , @traciyork , @eddiespino


Motherly, Sweet and Understanding... Those are the three words I would describe her with. She's down to earth and humble too and I would love to meet her! She's also fun too and has a very nice sense of humour.
Want to know why she's called thekittygirl? Take a look at this poem she wrote below...


I am quiet
until I feel comfortable around you,
then I can be quite vocal.
I can be a purr-fect and loyal friend.
I am usually sweet and gentle,
unless you corner me.
Then, I will bare my claws
and fight.
I can move very quickly.
And quietly.
Unless I'm wearing high heels.
click... click... click...
Some people call me mysterious,
although I don't try to be that way.
It just happens.
I think I'm just Miss Understood.
There's nothing quite so good
as a nap.
Or seafood.
Or a fun toy!
Or a flower.
Or that pretty stone.
Pretty stone? Pretty stone!
Is that pretty stone a quartz or a plagioclase?
Curious about everything.

...and thus... thekittygirl


Brother! Boss!,Those are the words i frequently call him with. We are from the same country and looks the likeliest to meet. I joke with him alot and am sure it will be fun when we eventually meet in person.


I love chess so much and I play everytime. One Hiver that encourages me on and off the board is @tungphong , a chessplayer himself. I know a meet-up would be a sweet experience, although he would beat me more at chess but who knows? I could surprise him off the board!


Who wouldn't want to meet @traciyork ?
It's so fun following her and She inspires me.
I call her a Rare Gem. It will be fun for me if I meet her and guess what? she's a witch! Very fascinating!


Most of life, I have loved the Spanish way of life. I have known and seen their culture to be very lovely. @eddiespino is a very busy man as he is known by all but somehow he still finds ways to answer and help me grow on hive. I would love to meet him and say the words "Hola" and "Gracias"

3.What are your best qualities as a person?

I think of my self as an "Adapter" because I can adapt to any situation, maybe i am also a bit of a bookworm. Because i love to read and I could add that I am a fighter. These are the qualities I can say I love about myself.

4.What Superpower would you love to have and why?


Image by Dieterich01 From Pixabay

Well,I sometimes wish I could help others without them knowing it was me. I do that in my own small measure but if I could have that super power to be very influential and strong enough to help others, it will be really cool.

5.How do you wish to spend the forth coming Christmas if all your wishes are to be granted?

I want a simple Christmas this year, it's tradition for me and my parents to go the village together and unite with the rest of the family and celebrate the year. But if I will have my way this year, I rather spend my Christmas in a rather simple manner.

My Answers to the Two Obligatory Questions

Obligatory Question #1: How Would You Add Value to Hive?

In the world we live in today,alot of people go through depression and are steady looking for ways to smile and be happy. I love to engage and I try to make everyone I come across happy. Though it might not work always but I believe it's one way of me adding value. I also add value by promoting Hive on a regular basis on twitter, I am a very active Hive promoter.

In terms on creating contents,I try my best to contribute and I always try to improve my methods so others can learn from me too. In the Recent community Token Talk by @theycallmedan ,co-founder of @threespeak ,I was acknowledged, which is really encouraging and gives me more confidence as i do my best here on Hive.

Obligatory Question #2: How would you make Hive a better place?

Hive as a better place would benefit everyone. Myself, my friends and everyone I tell about Hive. Basically I do my part and share the message, Hopefully we all join hands and make Hive the best Gift anyone can ask for.


Finally! I am done answering all of the questions and it is time for me to make my question set. Okay, here they are below:

  1. What is the Best Engagement Plan on Hive?

  2. What really makes you angry?

  3. What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play?

  4. How do you recommend Hive to a friend?

  5. Who is your favorite author on Hive? And why?

For this, I would be challenging some of my friends in real life and those that I haven't met including those who are not in the same country as I am to give participate in this interesting creative tag.

In Conclusion...

This is the longest I have ever written but it feels good to do so and i enjoyed myself writing this.thanks to @jongcl for this beautiful initiative and @starstrings01 for tagging me.



I am @samostically,I love to talk and write about chess because i benefited alot from playing chess.sometimes i share my thoughts on life in general.I love to engage with others and i love communication.I believe life is all about staying happy and maintaining peace.


Thanks For Reading!

Original content written by @samostically
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