Frida Kahlo- Who is Frida?

Hello everyone. this is a serie of the story and life of Frida.

welcome to part one:

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**Who is Frida Kahlo?
**Frida Kahlo, was born on july 6th in Coyoacán in Mexico City. She is known as a surrialistic painter but Frida herself never thought of her work to be surrealistic. She was painting her reality. Her mother was Matilde Calderón and her father was Guillermo (Wilhelm) Kahlo. Her father was a photographer especially of architectural works and, among others, for the government of Porfirio Díaz, where he earned a good living. After the mexican revolution, it was hard making ends meet.



In 1913, Frida was struck at the age of six, by polio, causing her leg to become deformed and stopped growing. This was the source of a number of complexes that she would carry with her throughout her life. When she was fiftheen years old, she had the dream to study medicine and become a doctor, so her father got her into the prestigious National Preparatory School. But then something terrible happend, something that will change Frida's life forever. She and her love Alejandro Gómes got injured while traveling with the bus.

It got hit by a tram what caused the steel handrail to penatrate the left side of Frida's body. Her hips and ribs were broken, her bad leg was broken on eleven places and her spine was left broken also in several places. Her foot got shattered. She had to stay in bed in bandages, encasted and plastered with a lot of pain going through her body, it is a miracle she survived such a accident. Trying to forget the pain, she started to paint. Her mother fixed some mirrors and got them attached to the bed for her so she could paint herself. After a long periode of recovery, she could finaly walk again and continue to live her life outside of her bed. "frida schilderij8.jpg" source

End of part one, to be continued.

Thank you for your time and reading this first part of Frida Kahlo and thank you for your support <3 I hope to see you in the next. Stay tuned!

thank you nn.jpg

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