Faced with climate change, let's provide solutions

Climate change is a very important issue at this time, since in a few years now many changes have been developed due to the high degree of contamination that human beings have produced on our planet. This has resulted in a rupture in the ozone layer, recognizable changes in the climatic seasons and increased heat due to the forceful solar rays that reach the earth due to the rupture of the ozone layer.

In this time it has become normal to see rain in times of drought, to see drought in times of rain. Recurrent increase in temperature, heat waves, in short, different natural phenomena, which shout to us that as human beings we are damaging our planet.

It is important that we become aware of the irreparable damage that we are doing to our world, because we will not have another, we can only live in this one and if it is damaged, we will only have to assume the consequences that are unleashed due to our bad behavior.

What can be the production and growth of the industry, can also have negative effects on our planet, if we do not do it the right way. While oil and coal refining can unleash economic growth, it can also damage the climate system


Although we know that trees produce oxygen, it is important to note that they also regulate temperature. Trees can reduce up to 12 degrees of temperature. Although we know that the sun's rays reach the earth with more intensity due to the breakdown of the ozone layer, trees could help us mitigate the heat.

If we plant trees, we will not only have more oxygen, but we will have a cooler environment, just as we help various species to reproduce and rest. We plant trees and help our planet.

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