A giant spanish paella - Paella gigante

Ayer fueron las fiestas de mi pueblo, y aunque las fiestas en si no son nada especial, mas que una orquesta y pasar un fin de semana con toda la familia, la verdad es que lo pasé bastante bien y disfruté mucho con la comida.

Eramos muchos, debiamos de ser unas 25 personas, hicimos una paella gigante mi hermano y yo, una era muy sencilla únicamente con alitas de pollo, nada mas que alitas de pollo.

Muy sencilla pero no ha sobrado.nada 🤣... estaba increiblemente rica, compramos esas paelleras tan grandes para poder hacer el arroz con una capa muy fina, de esa forma se queda tostadito, crujiente... increiblemente rico, y repito, único ingrediente de esa paella: alitas de pollo.

Hicimos otra mas elaborada, digamos mas 'normal' con mas ingrediente:

Esta ya lleva de todo, calamares, langostinos, chipirones, rape... y tambien salió increiblemente rica.

Pero, sinceramente yo que quedo con la sencilla de alitas de pollo, no tengo palabras para describir lo rico que estaba ese arroz, crujiente, tostado, con mucho sabor....

Enfin una pasada!

El problema de hacer comidas ricas es que como demasiado hasta que realmente no me entra ni un bocado mas y despues me quedo mal agusto durante todo el dia... pero lo diafruto como un niño... me encanta comer 🤣

Os deseo un muy buen día a todos!




Yesterday was the festivities of my town, and although the festivities themselves are nothing special, but an orchestra and spend a weekend with the whole family, the truth is that I had a good time and enjoyed the food.

We were many, we must have been about 25 people, we made a giant paella my brother and I, one was very simple only with chicken wings, nothing more than chicken wings.

Very simple but there was nothing left over 🤣... it was incredibly tasty, we bought those paella pans so big to be able to make the rice with a very thin layer, that way it stays toasted, crunchy... incredibly tasty, and I repeat, the only ingredient of that paella: chicken wings.

We made another more elaborate one, let's say more 'normal' with more ingredients:

This one already has everything, squid, prawns, squid, monkfish... and it also came out incredibly tasty.

But, honestly I'm left with the simple chicken wings, I have no words to describe how rich it was that rice, crispy, toasted, with lots of flavor....

In short, it was amazing!

The problem with making tasty meals is that I eat too much until I really can't fit one more bite and then I feel bad for the whole day... but I enjoy it like a child... I love to eat 🤣.

I wish you all a very good day!

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