We really need help.
1 US dollar = 229,500 Iranian Rials (conversion rate of US dollars to Iranian Rials - black market rate). 1 US Dollar = 41,908 Iranian Rials (conversion rate of US Dollars to Iranian Rials - official rate). 1 Euro = 277,500 Iranian Rials (conversion rate of Euro to Iranian Rial - black market rate). 1 Euro = 50,718 Iranian Rials (conversion rate of Euro to Iranian Rial). Today, the cheapest and most worthless currency in the world is the Iranian Rial. The devaluation of the Iranian currency began after the Iran-Iraq war and economic sanctions over its nuclear program. The government also has accessRestricted its citizens to foreign currency, which led to a significant increase in the black market in Iran. All of this has hurt the economy and devalued the national currency by almost 400%. In 2015, the Iranian government agreed to sign a nuclear deal with the United States, France, Britain, China, Russia and Germany to reduce sanctions. This agreement improved the situation and stabilized the Iranian national currency. However, in 2018, the United States claimed that Iran was continuing its nuclear program, and as a result, sanctions were tightened and the country had access toRestricted global commodity markets. Iran could no longer export its oil, which accounted for about 69 percent of Iran's annual oil export revenue. All of this and the sanctions created a budget deficit, and these sanctions affected other industries, including petrochemicals and metallurgy. By May 2020, when Iran faced significant inflation and its currency fell 600%. For this reason, the government decided to change the rial to the toman and reduce the four zeros from the national currency, that is, the old 10,000 rials will be converted into 1 toman.
Unfortunately, this has not been implemented, and we are getting more and more unlucky, and poverty has increased in our country.
People. Teens and young adults. Women. And everyone is getting poorer by the day.
And there are those who made the most of this and got richer than the day before.
Emptying the pockets of ordinary people, heavy taxes on very low monthly incomes of $100 to $200.
The living expenses of a family of three are $500 a month, but the income from There's a worker in $200 a month with overtime.
We are Iranians and the right of The Children of Iran is not the earth
We are not terrorism, those who have betrayed us are terrorism.
I hope there are good days to come and we will achieve freedom with peace