Strike action of commercial drivers over the continuous increase in the price of fuel

Alive and kicking once again we are gradually moving on in this month of advent, and day by day people seem not to feel the Christmas vibes that comes with this month. But we are all around to witness whatever comes our way in any moment of our lives. Yesterday I promised to write about how commercial drivers around here have gone on strike and its impact on the mass here.



I would like to start by saying, we all know the hell most developing countries go through here in the world and how almost the mass are always struggling with living. Each day that goes by something piss a fellow up with the governance of everything in these countries. Almost all the system in the country seem not to work to a good of what it is being initiated.

Ever since we started this year, one of the biggest problem we have being facing here has being the change in the prices of fuel around. Almost every two (2) weeks the price of fuel goes up between a percentage of 9 – 28, which have made car owners to lament all the time. Due to this increase, the price of fares around here keeps changing.



With all these increase in the prices of fuel, commercial drivers kept complaining and they kept coping with the adjustments, until we just recently that we say their invite with the government over the alarming prices of fuel they buy and how it does not yield any meaningful returns to cater for them and their family.

Government turned a deaf ear to their plead, so they decided to halt their activities for the time being and we all woke up just the past Monday and we saw all over that no commercial car moving an inch with passengers stranded around with no car to board to their various destinations. Workers were left stranded with no car to board to work.

What made the situation sad and fun was when I personally saw drivers using their lorry parks for fun activities like playing football while passengers stranded around not getting any means to move to their various workers and travels. Few drivers who tried to disobey the strike action were assaulted by damages on their vehicles. Side mirrors of most vehicles got spoilt in the end with few injures of passengers who in one way or the other had a cut from the broken mirrors.

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