30-Day Challange : Level . III : Goal Crushing Challenges


30-Day Challange : Level . III : Goal Crushing Challenges!

Inspired by the successful previous 2 challenges, we are challenging you to a 3rd 30-day content challenge. We’re encouraging you to post short form content every day for 30 days.

The idea is to keep you inspired and motivated. By committing to posting at least one piece of content a day for 30 days, we hope that your personal development, blog following, and inspiration will grow in a big way. This could be an ongoing way to show the world how engaged you are with your audience.

Here are links to the 2, 30-Day challenges.

Challenge LV3 accepted?

The overarching challenge for next 30 days is to complete something or learn something new. This could be to start to learn a new language, learn new skill, develop a new hobby, or grow connections with people. Each week will have challenges that can help you advance toward your overall goal, along with some general questions and challenges that can fill in the gaps!

Also, do not be afraid to ask the overall community for help in achieving your goal. If you need feedback or ideas, dont be shy, Post your question and see who can help you.

First 7 days

  • Day 1 : Let people know if you completed the First or Seond 30-Day challenge or this is your first time, if it's your first time, GREAT! Ether way introduce yourself and make a declaration on your commitment for the 30-days!
  • Day 2 : State specific goal you wish to accomplish 30 days.
  • Day 3 : State 3 challenges to overcome to accomplish this goal.
  • Day 4 : State why you wish to accomplish this particular goal.
  • Day 5 : Tells how you will feel when you accomplish this goal.
  • Day 6 : look at the three challenges you from day three let us know which is the easiest one you can accomplish.
  • Day 7: On the seventh day, this is going to be your day off to kind of rest. So, Post a photo of you or someone you know or something you like relaxing happily.

Second week : We are just getting warmed up here!

The second week is here for you to start taking action. Each week will challenge you to do two actions towards your personal weekly challenge. You're not limited however to only doing two actions a week, if you need to do more things to complete your goal then by all means do it, some things might also be daily tasks you have to do like studying a new language, watering plants, or exercise. For the sake of these challenges were only going to ask for two actions each week to bring you closer to your goal.

  • Day 8 : State which of the challenges from day 3 you are going to attack this week, Perhaps the easiest, list 2 things you can do to accomplish and overcome that challenge!
  • Day 9 : 1st action day, what was one of the 2 things you can do today, state it and go do it.
  • Day 10 : Commitment, did you complete the action you needed to take if not why if so how do you feel?
  • Day 11 : 2nd action to overcome your weekly goal. State what action it is then go do it.
  • Day 12 : Follow-up, did you complete the action you needed to take? if so how do you feel and if not why? what's holding you back?
  • Day 13 : Weekly follow-up, how do you feel with completing two actions toward your larger goal this week? Do you need assistance with anything?
  • Day 14: It's your rest day! Post a photo of a smile, along with some words about happiness.

Third week : You're halfway there!

You're in the middle of it now, you got a good plan, you understand the way we play this game, were going to keep making small progress towards a goal.

  • Day 15 : State which of the challenges from Day 3 you are going to attack this week, again, list 2 things you can do to accomplish and overcome that challenge!
  • Day 16 : 1st action to overcome your weekly goal. State what action it is then go do it.
  • Day 17 : knocking them out, did you you accomplish your task from yesterday? If so how do you feel and if not why?
  • Day 18 : 2nd action day of the week, State what action you can do today then go do it.
  • Day 19 : Like a champ, how did Day 18 go? Did you accomplish your mission? what held you back if you didn't? How do you feel if you did?
  • Day 20 : Weekly follow-up, how do you feel with completing two actions toward your larger goal this week? Do you need assistance with anything?
  • Day 21 : It's your rest day! Post a photo of a vacation spot you wish to visit and why.

Fourth week :

The last full week of this 30 day goalsetting challenge. will be a little it like we did the last two weeks but working toward your end goal.

  • Day 22 : State which of the challenges from Day 3 you are going to attack this week,and list 2 things you can do to accomplish and overcome that challenge this week!
  • Day 23 : 1st action day of the week, what was one of the 2 things you can do today, state it and go do it
  • Day 24 : let's talk follow-through, did you complete your task from day 23 gIf so how you feel and if not why?
  • Day 25 : 2nd action day of the week, State what action you can do today then go do it.
  • Day 26 : Day 25 is done let us know if you completed that action and how you feel about, and if you didn't, what held you back?
  • Day 27 : How did this week go for you? did you accomplish the two actions towards your larger goal? How are you feeling about your overall progress?
  • Day 28 : It's your rest day! Post a photo of water, along with a short poem.

Last 2 days of the challenge!

The overall goal of this challenge is to get you, incrementally, working towards your larger objectives in life. By looking at the larger challenge then breaking it down to small parts, you can start moving forward towards your objectives. With the benefit of the community behind you to hold you accountable and to encourage you, we dare think anything is possible!

Let's knock out the last few days!

  • Day 29 : Post how you feel about progress toward your larger goal, and if you accomplished it or not.
  • Day 30 : Congratulations, it's time to toot your own horn FOR A THIRD TIME, feel free to brag and tell everybody that you've completed the 30-day challenge ROUND 3!!!


If you wish you may also re-buzz the award below saying you have completed the challenge, LEVEL 3!


Wrap up and further thoughts.

By taking small actions every day, much like laying one brick on the ground every day to build a castle, you will inevitably learn and grow more then had you not taken any action at all.

The overall goal of this 30 day challenge is to again get you posting content and being inspired more, but then also bettering yourself and working towards your personal objectives in life.

We hope you enjoy this 30 day challenge level III, let us know the comments if you enjoy these challenges and would like a level IV!

D.Buzz over and out.


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