Dear Catholics, Beware of False Novenas!

Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to the Catholic faith. Apparently most nominal or "occasional" Catholics are unaware of what a true novena is like. I admit, I was also duped into following superstitious prayers scattered as flyers in churches. Blame it on my ignorance and almost uncaring attitude towards a "distant" God.

The devil can deceive us through our lack of knowledge, misinformation and lies. The more we don't know about the Catholic Church teachings and practices, the more we will believe whatever someone says or what we find somewhere.

Knowing what is officially from the Catholic Church or Vatican is how we can avoid the "invisible religious traps" set by demons. This is how we can also avoid those spread by people under demonic influence.

Have you ever seen a fake or heretical novena leaflet? How do we know what's a true Catholic devotion? Find out below!

Some photocopied flyers I found which are being spread in various parishes. This is superstitious and NOT a legitimate Catholic practice. See below.

What's a Novena?

This is a set of prayers said in nine days prior to a Catholic Church feast day. It can also be prayed anytime, once a day, but must be in 9 consecutive days. Basically this is another way to ask for God's graces or favors and can also be used for petitions.

Historically it is linked to the Pentecost. On the 9th day from Jesus' ascension, the Catholic Church was established because that's when the Holy Spirit descended to the praying apostles.

There are many kinds of novenas but the most popular of course are the petition ones. 😂 So many user-friendly people out there who don't wanna have a relationship with God but want to have plenty of material things from the Lord. 😆 This usually stems from ignorance and lack of catechism.

Of course I was also like that prior to Lent 2023 because we were never a family of practicing Catholics despite having been schooled in Catholic schools. What a shame to be a cradle Catholic but never knowing most things about the faith. This is also why I have written this post so occasional, lukewarm and non-practicing Catholics will know what's false and what's truly from the Church!

Fake and Superstitious Novenas Do Not Bring Us Closer to God

Why will you join the novena at church when you think you can just pray several times and copy the prayers to make chain prayers and then your wish will supposedly come true? It's like believing in good luck and throwing coins in fountains. Do you see what's happening in this case? All of those examples are against the First Commandment!

Instead of following Catholic Church approved ways to pray, people who don't know the real practice of novena will just pray anything they see thinking God will hear them.

What is a false novena? Here are the examples I found recently in various churches.

Now do you see how it does not lead you to believe in God? The Holy Trinity is powerful over everything He created. Praying like this and putting a condition that you need to spread it in order for it to work is nowhere in the Bible nor ancient traditions.

Jesus never instructed anyone to write some random prayers, pray it several times in 9 days and then spread it many times so He can answer it. NO! Do you know who does such things? The devil answers prayers that are prayed by the deceived and uninformed! You think you are praying to God using these words but the Lord never told any apostle or saint to ever do such! Read the Bible and read the lives and writings of saints! You will never find any holy person endorsing such heretical novenas anywhere.

Superstitious novenas like those above make people believe that only the specific prayers and actions will make their "wish" come true. That's a pagan belief and practice. Magick or anything of the occult is not Catholic at all.

A true practicing Catholic knows that God showers us with grace and blessings especially when we (1) follow Church approved traditions, (2) pray earnestly and do works of mercy, and (3) truly believe in Him alone. See the difference? We do not depend on random chain prayers at all!

If we are truly followers of God and firmly Catholic, we know that this false novena is nothing compared to what Jesus promised! Catholic devotions are NOT superstitious nor occult-like chain prayers. Nowhere, not even in Vatican, will you find anyone endorsing such practices. This is deception from the devil! It must be avoided at all cost and thrown into the trash can!

Now you know the truth. If you still continue to spread these occult-like novenas, you will not be helping people to get closer to God. Beware and take care!

What are Catholic Church Approved Novenas?

When you go to religious stores like St. Pauls Bookstore or publishers like Word and Life Publications, you will find many novena leaflets being sold. Those are the legitimate ones you can use and buy.

Online, if you check reputable Catholic websites you will find many novenas too. The one to St. Jude Thaddeus is widely known so let me use that as an example.


Here's another one to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.


As you can see, there is no need to make copies and pray multiple times a day. This is the right way to pray the novena. Pray the same prayer for 9 days and that's it!

Of course there's also a best example of a novena that has different prayers everyday. Say hello to the Divine Mercy novena. Oh I love this because I got a lot of grace from God after doing it! Read more about it here: Jesus Said, "Bring to Me Souls..." And Then Divine Mercy Sunday Happened.

If you join public novenas (like I did above) at your local parish that's even better! Why? There are more prayers said when the church leads the people in doing this Catholic tradition. Let me give you another example.

Screenshot source

Our Mother of Perpetual Help is very popular here in the Philippines. We have a national shrine dedicated to her which is open 24/7! Apparently it is also the biggest one in the world. Haha. When people have a petition, they usually go to Baclaran Church and join the novena there!

This type of novena devotion is longer and has many prayers. Of course it is even officiated by a priest, especially during the Novena and Benediction at this particular shrine!

Screenshot from the Baclaran church website

Now you should know the difference of a real Catholic novena to fake photocopied ones being circulated in parishes worldwide! Only the real ones will grant you graces from God so be sure to stop the spread of any heretical novenas! You can inform your family and friends about what you learned today so they will not be fooled by the devil too!

Even if you ask your local parish priest they will tell you the same thing. They will not recommend you use such superstitious prayers. Thanks to the Parish Liturgical Conference I attended last month, I finally learned the truth! (Will post abt that soon.) That's how I learned those photocopied leaflets being spread in parishes and adoration chapels are not approved by the Catholic Church at all!

Some priests pick them up and throw them away when they see those things. Be vigilant, do the same and warn others! Let's stop the spread of "chain prayers" because it is a distortion of our religious tradition.

If you have prayed any kind of false novenas like the examples I shared above, you better go to confession ASAP. 😆 (Don't forget to do a thorough examination of conscience too!) It's a violation of the First Commandment when we think wrongly of how God operates. Better for our soul to be safe than sorry.

So, care to share your thoughts and fake novena stories? 😁 Feel free to comment!


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