[Eng-Esp]Return to the city where I live//Retorno a la cuidad donde recido

Hello friends of the hive, it is a pleasure to greet you on this new occasion. I hope you have a happy start to the week. Today I had to return to the city where I live. I want to show you a little of my trip.
Hola amigos de la colmena es un placer saludarles en esta nueva oportunidad, espero tengan un feliz inicio de semana, el día de hoy me toco retonar a la cuidad donde vivo les quiero mostrar un poco de mi viaje


    start of the tour//inicio del recorrido
My trip lasted 4 hours from Sucre to Anzoategui, which is my residence. It had been a long time since I had traveled during the day. The last few times it was either at dawn or my return home was at night. I was not able to appreciate my state. Sucre Carupano is a small city that is made up of small towns, in one I grew up, very close to the coasts of the Caribbean Sea. Throughout the center there is the image of the Virgin of the Valley, it was made 2 years ago. There is also a lagoon where you can see a variety of birds. We passed several towns and command posts of the National Guard and we arrived at San Antonio del Golfo. It is called that because in it you can see one of the 2 gulfs that are in Venezuela, the Gulf of Paria. On my way there is a lot of Caribbean Sea with crystalline beaches.
mi viaje duro 4 horas de sucre a anzoategui que es mi recidencia tenia mucho tiempo que no viajaba de dia, las ultimas veces o era de madrugada o mi retorno a casa fue de noche no pude apreciar mi estado sucre carupano es una cuidad pequeña que conforma pueblitos , en uno creci yo, muy cerca de las costas del mar caribe, en todo el centro esta la imagen de la virgen del valle , hace 2 años que la realizaron , tambien una laguna en la que se pueden apreciar diversidad de aves, pasamos varios pueblos y puestos de comando de la guardia nacional y llegamos a san antonio del golfo y este se llama asi porque en el se observa uno de los 2 golfos que se encuentran en venezuela el golfo de paria, en mi camino hay mucho mar caribe con playas cristalinas


   second leg of the trip//segundo tramo del viaje
Then we continued and arrived at the firstborn of the Cumana continent, I think that just like in Carupano its airport does not work, in the towns that we would then pass through we can find fruit, coffee, fish and hand-made crafts made of wood, they placed a new toll in the heights of Sucre which is the limit between the states.
luego seguimos y llegamos a la primogenita del contine Cumana, creo que al igual que en carupano su aeropuerto no funciona, en los pueblos que luego estaria por pasar podemos encontrar ventas de frutas, cafe , pescado y artesania hecha a manos en madera , colocaron un nuevo peaje en los altos de sucre que es el limite entre los estados


     special photography//fotografia especial
Here is a beautiful photograph of the entrance to the state of Anzoategui, specifically to the city of Puerto la Cruz, happy start of the week to everyone
aqui esta hermosa fotografia de la entrada al estado anzoategui especificamente a la cuidad de puerto la cruz, feliz inicio de semana para todo


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