¡Saludos a todos los autores de la comunidad #Hive!
Greetings to all the authors of the #Hive community!
Fuente: Pixabay
Today, I will tell you all my favorite personalities in Hive and the most hated ones, based on the initiative of my companion, @bluemist, who invites us to participate in this arduous task for us Hivers.
Fuente: FrikiPunch
Mis personalidades favoritas en Hive || My favorite personalities at Hive
This first favorite personality in #Hive, is a person who has constantly supported me and taught me the functions of the platform from the beginning. In addition to that, I admire him for his work and for taking the community forward; he is a faithful lover of video games. His experience in Hive has him at the top of the beehive and has helped new users in their growth and day by day he bets to go for more, all with the support of his friends.
Continuing with my favorite personalities, it's time to tell you about a user that keeps motivating me to participate in the initiatives and to listen to the interviews on the different Discord servers. Although, I am rarely in Discord, when I manage to enter I go directly to your server, because I know that there is a safe rumba there and I will enjoy 100 percent with the occurrences of other users. Likewise, your content makes me reflect on life and what we must do correctly to be successful.
The third and last character of this film called "Favourite Personalities in Hive", is an author dedicated to help all the new members of the platform with some useful tools to be supported in the community. His comments make us improve greatly. When I check the home page, I first go to his profile, to see if he uploaded a content and read it; he is simply a content creator and that is good for us.
Mis personalidades odiadas en Hive || My hated personalities in Hive
How complicated is this question, it really is! although, this personality is about someone extremely dangerous and rude. She does not measure her words when answering a comment, others. I have seen how scary new hivers are with their aggressive attacks and out of place comments. I say this, because I had a bad experience with this user and when I chatted on Discord with him it was not as pleasant to say. From my point of view, I say be careful!
The second and last personality hated by this server, is a user who has a lot of time in Hive, but certainly his way of responding, makes me think many things. I would describe this person as threatening, not advising.
¡Hasta una próxima publicación!
Until a future publication!