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馃槺 The game of the defeated 鈽狅笍 馃憠 Anais Rodriguez馃懇 - Communicator Social馃摑 --馃摃--


馃槺 El juego de los derrotados 鈽狅笍 馃憠 Anais Rodriguez馃懇 - Comunicadora Social馃摑 ]


馃憢 Hola amables lectores, esta vez les pido馃檹, que con mucha Paciencia y sentido com煤n, tomes tiempo para leer, esta publicaci贸n, 隆no solo dejes tu voto y ya! tomemos el debido tiempo para pensar y analizar ya que es una de las actitudes humanas mas comunes y lastimosas f谩cilmente visibles en muchas personas, es la del victima o "pobre de mi"馃槚. Esta revela un comportamiento quejumbroso como tendencia, mediante el cual se pretende responsabilizar a los dem谩s por lo que nos sucede, Un ejemplo muy claro esta cerca de mi casa, una vecina que culpa al gobierno porque vive en la pobreza, pero, realmente 驴que esta haciendo para mejorar su vida? 馃 Hay que aprender a responsabilizarnos y a suprimir esta condici贸n lastimosa tan frecuente hoy en d铆a.


En Venezuela es frecuente toparse con gente cuya actitud esencial ante la vida parece decir: "M铆rame, pobre de mi". Son personas auto abandonadas que se han multiplicado y que est谩n por todas partes. Crecieron en el contexto de un pa铆s paternalista y corrupto que daba un poco a todos, sin pedirles consciencia, productividad o esfuerzo. comprometido.

Compraron la idea de que alguien deb铆a darles, ayudarlos, y decidieron usar la lastima como actitud permanente. Son profesionales. Gente dedicada a la queja, a la envidia y a bloquear el camino de los que logran emerger con trabajo tesonero.

Estas personas han cerrado sus ojos al poder que poseen. No se percatan de que tienen la capacidad de pensar, planificar, actuar, crear y relacionarse. No han despertado a la posibilidad de sustituir cervezas por libros, ociosidad por trabajo, despilfarro por ahorros, pobreza por riqueza.

Han preferido vivir como llorones inertes馃槶 alejados de su ingenio y de su brillo. En ocasiones se les ve detenido esperando que alguien luche sus batallas y comparta la ganancia. Los hay solos y desorganizados, como agrupados. Pueden aparecer como figuras de grupos pol铆ticos, ecol贸gicos o vecinales. La queja grupal les sirve de excusa y les hace creer en la ilusi贸n de que su actitud est谩 legitima.

驴De d贸nde sale esta actitud decadente que se extiende como epidemia? Muchas mujeres la utilizan con su pareja cuando act煤an como d茅biles criaturas que necesitan ser guiadas; muchos hijos la aplican con sus padres, a quienes manipulan con una supuesta incapacidad para la autonom铆a. Muchos alumnos la usan con sus profesores cuando pretenden aprobar sin estudiar, y se puede percibir el mismo estilo en algunos empleados que exigen mas dinero, sin dar a cambio mayor eficiencia laboral.

El "pobre de mi" es un juego psicol贸gico, una resultante del auto enga帽o, usada para ganar atenci贸n y ayuda. Por lo general parte de la premisa de que quien lo juega, no tiene como apoyarse a s铆 mismo.

Preg煤ntale a una victima, 驴Que esta haciendo para resolver sus problemas? y escuchar谩 un silencio, un tartamudeo, un cambio brusco de conversaci贸n o una bien elaborada excusa. Asumir la responsabilidad 隆Eso nunca!

馃檶Gracias por tu atenci贸n, como siempre a sus ordenes Anais Rodriguez - Comunicadora Social



馃憢 Hello kind readers, this time pido馃檹, with a lot of patience and common sense, take time to read this publication, do not just leave your vote and go! take the time to think and analyze as it is one of the most common human attitudes and pitiful easily visible in many people, is the victim or "poor me" 馃槚. This reveals a complaining behavior as a tendency, through which we try to make others responsible for what happens to us. A very clear example is near my house, a neighbor who blames the government because she lives in poverty, but, really, what is she doing to improve her life? 馃 We have to learn to take responsibility and suppress this painful condition that is so common today.


In Venezuela, it is common to meet people whose essential attitude to life seems to say: "Look at me, poor me". They are self-abandoned people who have multiplied and are everywhere. They grew up in the context of a paternalistic and corrupt country that gave a little bit to everyone, without asking for conscience, productivity or effort. committed.

***They bought the idea that someone should give them, help them, and decided to use pity as a permanent attitude. They are professionals. People dedicated to complaining, to envy and to blocking the way of those who manage to emerge with hard work.

These people have closed their eyes to the power they possess. They do not realize that they have the capacity to think, plan, act, create and relate. They have not woken up to the possibility of substituting beer for books, idleness for work, waste for savings, poverty for wealth.

They have preferred to live like crybabies inertes馃槶 away from their wit and brilliance. Sometimes they are caught waiting for someone to fight their battles and share the gain. They are alone and disorganized, as if they were grouped together. They may appear as figures in political, ecological or neighbourhood groups. The group complaint serves them as an excuse and makes them believe in the illusion that their attitude is legitimate.

Where does this decadent attitude that is spreading like an epidemic come from? Many women use it with their partners when they act as weak creatures who need to be guided; many children apply it to their parents, whom they manipulate with a supposed inability to be autonomous. Many students use it with their teachers when they pretend to pass without studying, and the same style can be perceived in some employees who demand more money, without giving in return greater work efficiency.

The "poor me" is a psychological game, one resulting from self-deception, used to gain attention and help. It is usually based on the premise that whoever plays it, has no way to support himself.

Ask a victim what he or she is doing to solve their problems and you will hear a silence, a stutter, an abrupt change in conversation or a well-crafted excuse. Take responsibility. Never!

馃檶Thank you for your attention, as always at your service Anais Rodriguez - Comunicadora Social

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