Simple contentment


There was a time in my life where peace seemed elusive. I refer to inner-peace, or maybe satisfaction and contentment is a better way to put it. I was trapped in the grind, I had created myself, and no matter what I collected around me, the things, peace and contentment seemed always to be one step away.

Over time I have found it, mostly. Maybe it was simply a matter of time, although I believe it was more a matter of experience and understanding that allowed me to open up to contentment, not the passing of time.

I found, for some strange reason, possibly my gaining a little wisdom, that no matter what new item I collected it seemed only to resulted in disappointment; Sure, initial satisfaction came with acquiring the item, but eventually a new, upgraded version, would be released and I would be disappointed to have the old, obviously inferior item.

Consumerism at its finest, and the way corporations and governments prefer us to be.

That was then... But now?

I have the ability to find peace, satisfaction and contentment just by recalling a memory.

It's interesting though, that none of those memories are of a thing, a material thing. I don't think back fondly on a car I had, phone, pair of shoes or latest tech-gadget to fill my soul with feelings of contentment and satisfaction. No, I find that through experiences, recalling them and enjoying them in the moment, is where true contentment lies for me. It was an epiphany of sorts, but one gained over the passing of time, and experiences.

It could be a meal shared with friends, a vacation-experience, or even as simple as a quiet moment spent alone with a book and cup of tea as the rain falls outside me window. Contentment, a peaceful mind and soul, can be found so easily in those ways, for me at least.

I'm not sure what the secret of life is, nor do I know if there is any secret at all to be completely honest. For me, simplicity seems to work and that's what I drive at now because life is too short to amass items, things that have no true value in the long run.

Photo by Anders Wideskott on Unsplash

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