Fall often

It is unavoidable; A fall. It's not a matter of if it will happen, but when. Falling will also not be an isolated event but reoccur over and over in our lives. No matter what we do to avoid falling it will happen, and what defines us is what we do when it happens.

To be quite honest the first falls we endure are those as babies; Learning to walk is something none of us remember as it often happens at such a young age, however one thing is common to us all; We tried, failed and tried again. We fell and rose once more for another attempt.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
― Winston S. Churchill

Failure is not fatal. It can be of course - A parachute fails to open once the parachutist has left the plane it is likely that death will occur. But let's not take it so literally.

Falling as babies trying to walk didn't kill us; Sure we got some bumps and bruises, but we were able to stand and try once more. Failure later in life, teen, young adult and all the way through to old age is simply a lesson. It brings us a step closer to success and eliminates ways that don't work. If we were to fail but not try again we are giving into that failure and allowing the fall to define us.

Finding the courage to stand up after a fall can be difficult, I have found it so myself; However courage is required nonetheless; The alternative os to stay down.

Falling down is a human condition and there are many reasons for it however whilst staying down is an option, for most of us, it is not a very palatable one. There are times when it may seem like the only choice but with a little courage and a strong enough reason to stand back up we will, to try again and maybe fall again. Failure is like that.

But when success comes, no matter how small, it lifts attitude which, in turns lifts activity, and with the right activities more success often follows.

My advice is to fall often. But rise more often.

Staying on the Winston Churchill theme I'll end with this:

“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”
― Winston S. Churchill

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