Attitude specialist

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Unfortunately I'm not always ok; I am no different to others around the world in that way. I feel good, bad and everything in between both physically and emotionally at times. It's part of life I guess. Lately I've had a few issues, physical ones, that have left me in a bit of pain and today I'm hoping I'll find a path forward.

I'm off to the specialist today with a view to starting the process of testing and eventual improvement of this condition and I'm excited and a little concerned at the same time.

My condition isn't life-threatening, just painful, and it restricts my movement, and zest for life at the same time. I am very hopeful of being able to rectify the issue and hope the specialist will have some palatable options on offer. After all, he's the "specialist" right?

Life rarely runs smoothly, not totally anyway. It's easy to look at someone else and think how well they are doing, how amazing it must be to have the life they do, however in reality adversity visits us all at some stage. perception isn't always, or even often, the reality.

I would like to think I'm somewhat of a life-specialist, that I have the secret worked out and that my life is as fulfilled and complete as it could be, but to think so would be quite delusional and so rather than doing that I work towards being a specialist of another nature.

I see myself as an attitude-specialist.

This means that I work tirelessly towards having the right attitude because, in doing so, I'm placed in the right position emotionally to invite all of the other things into my life that I would like. It won't stop the bad things, but will invite more of the good things I think.

Approaching it this way means I can focus more effort and energy on my attitude, in keeping it int he right place, rather than spreading that energy over all the other things I desire. I think it makes for a more strategic approach. After all, attitude is everything as they say.

Of course, this is just me and I know that others have a different approach.

“Always remember, your focus determines your reality.”
— George Lucas

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