Hive BuzzParty Presentations, Greek Restaurant & Beer Saturday!

As they say in german die Reise geht weiter "the journey continues". The boat trip came to an end and it was time to get down to some serious business and we then were heading to the venue to have first a spot of lunch and then watch some Hive presentations, including one that I would do myself!

The venue was in a really cool part of town that seems to have many cool businesses and hangout places including bars and restaurants where people can hangout that is abit alternative to the more commercialised part of town.

The vibe was really good and had that Prenzlauer Berg feel to it that you have in Berlin. Although, @tibfox was to inform me that the area is starting to become more gentrified lately too.

Once we had grabbed some of the buffet food to eat, the presentations started and @tibfox gave us a run down of the schedule and logistics. Everything was really well organised and many important details were considered even to ensure that any left over food would be donated to the local homeless people who seem to be suffering in the city. In Hamburg and many German large cities, the homeless do seem to be a vulnerable part of society that are badly neglected and suffer very badly. It was great that @tibfox had thought about such a great thing to do.

The presentations continued and it was great to hear about the projects many people were working on. One that was very impressive was the amazing work by the @coldbeetrootsoup guys with their latest project helping out a school in Venezuela. They really are doing their best to make a big impact helping people out around the world. I am looking forward to where the project goes next as they have achieved alot in a short space of time already.

I was really looking forward to meeting these guys as I have heard them on the Ecency Discord and read their posts and see the great work they have done for Hive onboarding quality new Hivers, but to meet them in person was awesome because they are such a charasmatic team that brought lots of energy to the meetup.

They were always in great spirits and ready to help out with your presentation and were working really hard. I was really looking forward to trying their cold beetroot soup that I was thinking about since they were in Amsterdam and I finally go to try some at the venue.

I am a huge fan of beetroots and beetroot soup, especially the hot one, so it was with great happiness that I could try the famous soup made by the guys themselves. There was a lovely selection of local breads that you could choose to eat with it and I opted for the lovely rustic one that you can see here.

It was a very tasty bread that went very well with the soup. I can say that it had a very good taste and texture and went very well with this lovely bread. Great work guys!

The venue was very tastefully decorated by some art pieces like the ones you can see here. These you could scan the barcode and buy them in the NFT store. I really liked the display and am sad I didn't get around to buying something as a momento of the occassion.

Talking of momentos, there was lots of cool merch available where people took the things they liked. Armed with our merch, we were spreading the Hive vibes as we were traveling around Hamburg!

All of the presentations were charasmatically delivered, here was one by @ph1102 who presented about the Liotes project. I am a curator for the project, so it was good to meet another member of the team at the event and see the presentation. I shared these fotos back to base with the other co-founder of the project @achim03 so he could get a glimpse of the presentation and event too.

I found all the presentations very good and informative. There was a great presentation by @detlev for his community which has been running for over 300+ weeks which was very impressive and @arcange who presented the Hive Authentication tool which looks very cool.

I very much enjoyed the presentation by @alessandrawhite which got everyone energised at the start and we learned alot about creativity and Hive which was really cool and empowering. @louis88 has made some great photos of the speakers and I recommend to check them out on his posts for yourself as mine do not do them justice.

I was due up second to last and was starting to get a little nervous as my time came closer. I was being followed up by the HiQ team who are naturals at presenting and so it was good that I could go before them.

photo courtesy of @ph1102

I was representing Ecency and it was such a pleasure to talk about the Dapp because it is my favorite tool on Hive and one of the popular and most used tools on Hive. As I use it every day, I know that you can do so much with it, not just on your desktop, but also on your phone with the amazing App which I just love!

photo courtesy of @ph1102

The presentation was a teamwork with a fellow Ecencial @irisworld (who I have added as 50% beneficiary to this post), who made the lovely colorful slide and video that I was lucky enough to present. One of the audience questions was how do you spell Ecencial, and we had to have a think about that if it is with a c or with an s..

As Ecency are constantly updating and adding new features, it was good to give an overview of the tool and talk about the app, decks, polls and what features we would like added to Ecency in the future. I have given this feedback to @goodkarma which he was eager to receive. Everyone is also welcome in the Ecency Discord to get any support and give any feedback or features wishes there so the Devs know what you would like.

Once the presentations were finished, everyone helped out by cleaning up and loading the car with @tibfox. We all then headed out lead by @detlev with the Beer Saturday sign and it was like being on a pub crawl and was made more fun with the Beer Saturday community leader himself. It was a very jovial affair as we were all carrying lots of Hive merch and the streets were full of people curious probably about what was Hive and Beer Saturday?

We made our way to the Greek restaurant which was a very nice place not far away and took a few tables inside. I enjoyed the company of @ph1102 and @ninaeatshere and the atmosphere and food were very pleasant. Everyone was enjoying a jolly time and the owner gave out lots of complimentary greek drinks to those who wanted.

After our food, we could start the Beer Saturday event proper and headed to the BrewDog brewery pub in the St.Pauli district which is also at the start of the famous Reeperbahn. The weather turned against us a little as we had some light rain, but it didn't dampen anyone's spirits.

We passed by something called The Dom which is a big fairground park with a big wheel with lots of people visiting. It looked similar to the one at the Oktoberfest but without the beer tents.

We arrived to the pub and it was very impressive with our reserved tables so we could enjoy the place and our drinks in comfort. It is a special craft beer place with many great options to choose from and every drinker would be very well catered to. Here I had a good chance to chat a little with @cryptospa who is a crypto OG and it was good to make a new friend in the Hive Bulgarian community.

I also enjoyed some good conversation, wit and laughs with @edje whom has a great taste in music and cities. He was an honourary member of the hardcore gang and I hope he might lend me his NFT so that I can get to Satoshi's Island.

The selection of beers available was truly impressive and looked even more comprehensive than the World of Beers shop that I have visited. The selection was very well presented, fresh and looked so apetising. The prices looked pretty reasonable too. The barman was super friendly and you could have some recommendations of what to try if you asked and taste test something to be sure you ordered what you liked.

Presentation was everything and they had many cool glasses to go with the different beers too.

I was not drinking alcohol myself, but the party was getting in full swing and we didn't leave the venue until very late. Some people headed over to visit The Dom fair and others partied late into the night on the famous Reeperbahn. Eventually the bar wanted to close and so we decided to go home via the St.Pauli station and therefore could walk the Reeperbahn and see how it was on a Saturday night.

It was crazy busy with lots of revellers drinking and partying. It was cool to see so many bars and clubs in one place and it had that Amsterdam red light district feel to it, but without the canals and the parts I saw, not so sleezy. Although, I wasn't in Amsterdam for a few years, so am not sure what it is like these days.

It was a really long day and we had packed so much into it, I was looking forward to some nice rest to be charged for the final day where we would take part in the clean planet event and visit the Portuguese district. More about that in my next post.

Thanks for reading!

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All photos are my own unless stated.

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