[ESP-ENG] ♡Un detalle desde la distancia♡ // ♡A detail from a distance♡


En unos de mis post les comentaba que hay personas que llegan a tu vida a darle alegría y ser como un rayito de luz en tu vida 💛 y ese pensar no me lo cambia nadie, porque a pesar que también he llevado mis decepciones (amorosa y con amistades) siempre conozco a personas que valen la pena tener en tu vida 💛 Este detalle llego anoche a mi casa y me lleno de bastante alegría ya que no me lo esperaba, me lo envió una persona que ah estado ahí a pesar de muchas cosas que hemos pasado ambos, pero siempre a demostrado su cariño y su apoyo hacia mí, no es el primero que recibo pero si el primero con el que me tomo una foto en donde salga Yo. Por cierto Discúlpenme lo fea es que no estaba maquillada ni arreglada ni peinada 😅🤣 sentí la necesidad de tomarme unas fotos y lo hice. Pero ustedes saben que yo he subido fotos así y creo que hasta peores 🤣 me amo también al natural 🤗

Agradecida con la vida por darme personas que a pesar de todo están ahí y hacen que en mis dias grises haya un momento de felicidad 😊

In one of my posts I commented that there are people who come into your life to give you joy and be like a ray of light in your life 💛 and that thought is not changed by anyone, because although I have also had my disappointments (love and friendships) I always meet people who are worth having in your life 💛 This detail arrived last night to my house and filled me with great joy because I did not expect it, It was sent to me by a person who has been there in spite of many things we have both been through, but has always shown his love and support for me, it is not the first one I have received but it is the first one with whom I have taken a picture of me. By the way, excuse me for being ugly, I wasn't made up or dressed up or with my hair done 😅🤣 I felt the need to take some pictures and I did it. But you know I've uploaded pictures like that and I think even worse 🤣 I love me natural too 🤗.

Grateful to life for giving me people who in spite of everything are there and make my grey days a moment of happiness 😊

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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