Costly late delivery


Hello guys, whats good. So the previous day didn't really go as I had hoped it would for me. I planned to make lots of delivery to people this day but just managed to make about half of that, i think all tbis was as a result of me being late.

For starters, I woke late this morning, or should I say I began activities late. Here's what actually happened that morning, I woke early and decided to rest a bit for day light then that rest seemed a little to much and deep that I eventually got up late.

On getting to the first shop of delivery I was disappointed, some one had beat me to that guy and deliverer eggs to him already, ouch. So rather than take all of what I brought, he took just a bit, as consolation. I met the same thing in another shop i went to.

I think that morning lateness affected the whole day cos I was late than usual and the only thing that stopped most from not buying else where is something I'm nit sure of now but I'm grateful.

I managed to take a few pictures in one of my customers shop. Though the shop looks small, she sells a lot, especially eggs. Her street also looks peaceful too.

I hope for better returns today.

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