The last month of the year (ESP-ENG)


No fueron tantos, pero fueron definitivamente valiosos, justos y suficientes para ayudarme en una etapa un tanto dura que estoy transitando.

Momentos reflexivos y en los que estoy más en silencio y conmigo, recordando. Pero la presencia de algunos, su compañía me ha dado la posibilidad de distraer un poco mi mente y juntar bonitos recuerdos.

Paso a paso espero pronto seguir retomando el rumbo y poder dibujar otros colores en este blog. En este momento doy gracias por todo lo experimentado durante el año pasado y doy gracias a esos seres maravillosos que trataron de estar presentes y me brindaron sus sonrisas, aunque la mía se ocultaba entre lágrimas, tristeza y un poco de malestar.

Mi deseo es seguir juntado experiencias que me generen alegrías y que me ayuden a crecer y a construir una mejor versión de mi cada día. Hoy, luego de varios días difíciles y sentimientos encontrados, rompo el silencio en mi blog como una herramienta para retomar el camino hacia el bienestar.

English version

Although the last months of the year were somewhat turbulent, with many mixed feelings, sadness, and reflections; I had the opportunity to experience some encounters with friends and my mother.

They were not so many, but they were definitely valuable, fair, and enough to help me in a somewhat complex stage that I am going through.

Reflective moments and moments in which I am more in silence and with me, remembering. But the presence of some, their company, has allowed me to distract my mind a little and gather beautiful memories.

Step by step I hope soon to get back on track and be able to draw other colors in this blog. At this moment I give thanks for everything I have experienced during the past year and I thank those wonderful people who tried to be present and gave me their smiles, although mine was hidden among tears, sadness, and a bit of discomfort.

My wish is to continue to gather experiences that bring me joy and help me grow and build a better version of myself every day. After several difficult days and mixed feelings, I break the silence in my blog as a tool to resume the path to wellness.

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