Finding purpose for these beauties


Recently I have started a lot of cleaning from office to home, and one of the most unused items recently are these glass jars that was from peanut butter bottles. They are both fragile and cannot be recycled; so re-purposing is definitely the best approach.

But you just can't use these as normal bottles for food as there's nothing to seal it, at least at the moment I haven't found the sealing stickers of such sizes, and they aren't alot; so I am still trying to think what I can do with them...

Moreover... the LORD recently have prompted me something significant especially after I saw these awesome exibits and from junk2glamour, there may be something that the LORD wanted to prompt me to look at the "junk" another way.

as I am frantically trying to wait for something alive to be shipped over to my home, which might only arrive on Friday and I pray hard that they will survive, where I need to trust the LORD that HIS angels will take care of them, I am setting time daily to read HIS Word and finding inspirations.

Definitely it can be a business that is planted in my heart besides junk2glamour that takes a lot of time, but the LORD wants to be MORE than just a business.

And MOREOVER, HIVE may be able to be part of this journey if this is really HIS plan and not only just that, people will benefit it, from on-boarding, to unique ownership.

But I must learn how to come up with a solid business plan, and then consult some people, before even putting this as a proposal on HIVE, which I really home that you guys will be excited. Particularly for Malaysia at the moment; but who knows? It could be spread out if this is truly going to be something significantly great!

Coveting your prayers!

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