Mi visita al Parque Los Aviadores / My visit to Los Aviadores Park


En Semana Santa, mi esposo y yo decidimos visitar a nuestra familia en Valencia, entre las salidas que hicimos, visitamos este hermoso Centro Comercial Parque Los Aviadores ubicado en Palo Negro, Maracay. Me impresionó lo grande que es, me sentí como en una pista de aterrizaje, al entrar conocí al Jeison Rodriguez el hombre con los pies más grande del mundo, lo había visto en las noticias, pero en persona es impresionantemente grande, mide aproximadamente 2.40, su talla de zapatos es de 63 y es el tercer hombre más alto del mundo, Le pedí una foto, pero antes había que darle una colaboración, entendí que usa este dinero para sus medicinas. Leí parte de su historia y es bastante conmovedora.

Seguimos el recorrido, conseguimos un asiento de madera con un dinosaurio ideal para fotografiarse, aproveche el momento para hacer reír a mi familia 🤣 puse mi cabeza dentro de la boca del dinosaurio con cara de terror 🤣. También aprovechamos de comernos unas ricas paletas. Me quede con ganas de comerme otra, pero debía seguir el recorrido.

Finalmente buscamos la feria de comida y compramos una pizza exquisita, bueno en realidad fueron 2 pizzas 🤣, en mi mente estaba que al regresar a mi hogar, volvería con mi acostumbrada dieta. Los niños los sorprendimos con unas cajitas felices, así culminamos nuestro día familiar.

Me hubiese encantado tomar más fotos, pero ya no quedaban locales abiertos, así que nos tocó ir a casa. Seguiré compartiendo fotos de las siguientes visitas que realizamos. Espero hayan disfrutado de este momento al igual que yo disfruto compartiéndolo con ustedes.

Las fotos fueron tomadas por mi @ayleenr con mi celular Xiaomi Mi 10T Pro, collage realizado en Canva. Traductor Deepl.

Now in English

During Holy Week, my husband and I decided to visit our family in Valencia, among the outings we did, we visited this beautiful Parque Los Aviadores Mall located in Palo Negro, Maracay. I was impressed by how big it is, I felt like in a landing strip, when I entered I met Jeison Rodriguez the man with the biggest feet in the world, I had seen him in the news, but in person he is impressively big, he is about 2.40, his shoe size is 63 and he is the third tallest man in the world, I asked him for a picture, but first I had to give him a collaboration, I understood that this money is used for his medicines. I read part of his story and it is quite touching.

We continued the tour, we got a wooden seat with a dinosaur ideal for taking pictures, I took advantage of the moment to make my family laugh 🤣 I put my head inside the mouth of the dinosaur with a terrified face 🤣. We also took the opportunity to eat some delicious popsicles. I wanted to eat another one, but I had to continue the tour.

Finally we looked for the food fair and bought an exquisite pizza, well actually it was 2 pizzas 🤣, in my mind was that when I returned home, I would return with my usual diet. The kids we surprised them with some happy boxes, that's how we culminated our family day.

I would have loved to take more pictures, but there were no more places open, so we had to go home. I will continue to share photos of the next visits we made. I hope you enjoyed this moment as much as I enjoyed sharing it with you.

The photos were taken by my @ayleenr with my Xiaomi Mi 10T Pro phone, collage made in Canva. Translator Deepl.

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