
303/ I'm gonna try to continue doing what I do, I'm trying to transition away from spending too much time on things that are not yielding results exponentially; Roy will probably remain being ineffective even as he could have gone viral because millions of people would watch Roy content; but Roy seems not to want that even as that benefits him and others; I'm buried in work; I'm juggling projects; people are welcome to join as partners, supporters, contributors, of Oatmeal World; I'm going to try to continue to move away from older life projects of mine so I can prioritize more the newer projects generally speaking; I'm going to try my best to transition to newer chapters in my life as I'm entering my fifth decade of my life starting next year in 2025; those who want to come with me on this adventure is welcome to; I'm trying to spend less time on things that are less effective, efficient, and everything; regardless of anything, I'm going to try to continue to make subtle changes if need be in what I do and everything gradually over time in the coming days, weeks, months, and years; Making The World Greener One Oatmeal At A Time.

298/ Roy is a classic example of how the right hand does not know what the left hand does, Roy does one thing on one hand but another thing on the other hand, I'm not sure if Roy knows this or not. Edward Snowden said the entire Internet is not safe as governments have server farms that collect even encrypted data funneling through the Internet including private messages, TikTok has problems but the world wide web is also like a tape recorder, a giant wire tap said Snowden. People also want to try to ban Twitter in America as well, that is next on the chopping block, TikTok is used as a foot in the door to then try to ban other websites too one by one sort of like they do with attacking people in the court of law, people like Alex Jones, Trump, etc.

Vacuum. Yellow birds. Cake. Videos: Tomb Raider 2001, Oatmeal Theories. Watched Under The Bridge 101.



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Little Miss Ari Jacob on Tim Cast

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-04-24 - Wednesday | Published in April of 2024


In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

01:56 AM
2001: Tomb Raider Spoiler Review, Angelina Jolie

02:55 AM
Oatmeal Theories

Regarding choices in my life, I'm going to try to outline a few random events relating to my life which started with my birth in 1985 in Oregon, this is gonna be a brief incomplete rant from the top of my head, some of it may be inaccurate, watch out for spelling errors, typos, and the list goes on and on as usual as this is only a crazy rough draft string of sequences in under a minute
Turned eight in 1993, really started thinking about the future around that time as I started thinking more about getting into acting, music, basketball, space as a NASA astronaut, missions as a missionary, arts; my eyes were divided but also determined
Acted in a play as a sheep in 1987, as a shepherd in 1995; we started making home videos in 1996; acted in a play in 2003; got into a drama club in 2003; didn't make the cut for a high school play; also didn't make the cut for the drama team at my first college, WOLBI in New York in 2004; didn't make it past the first round when I tried out for Wanted Adventure Host in 2009; but did continue making videos, didn't let rejections stop me from taking additional risks
Was drawing Indians around 1991, turtles in 1993, the Action Strip comics in 1997, fake money after that; newspaper in 1999; got into web design and computer graphic design at high school in the 2000s; did some animation via Mario Paint on the Super Nintendo; made music videos with three VCRs to dub two sets of audio to one video; used HTML code to customize my MySpace in 2009, edited Arnold Attic Teaser Trailers in 2010; we were working on Mea Omnia in 2012 which was like the Elon Musk Twitter X everything app
In the 1900s, I was involved in different churches, youth groups, Bible clubs, basketball teams, summer camps, Vacation Bible School (VBS), baseball, wrestling, AWANA, Word Of Life Olympians, Home Schooling Clubs, ghetto friends, Skate World, Kumon Math, events to different places, won a dance contest in the early 1990s; started attending school dances especially starting around 2003; also acted in plays in California in 2010; went on to teach English in Vietnam in 2012
Ra Ra: So, what is this video about?
This video is supposed to maybe mention some of the theories regarding some of what I did in my life regardless of whether or not those theories are right or wrong; some of them might be ideas, perspectives, that some might have or had; but we're probably not gonna unpack most of what I spit in this video let alone even list everything in this video in under like 60 seconds
In the 1900s, I told stories through my drawings, that was a major theme especially in the 1990s when I wasn't climbing trees, playing basketball, video games, and everything else
I turned nine in 1994, started talking better around that time thanks to speech therapy; hearing tubes were probably out of my ears by that time or something like that; also started writing better especially around like 1995 when I was ten
We started making home videos in 1996; we also made audio tapes in the 1990s; so a major theme was within the realm of trying to tell stories whether through the means of drawings, comics, newspapers, writings, and home movies even
My mom taught me in the 1900s, I was homeschooled, I was years behinds, I started catching up, Kumon helped me get good at math; memorizing Bible verses helped me learned how to write and talk better especially starting around 1994
I'm all over the place in this video, I'm just throwing a few random items into this melting pot of a video, these things may not always necessarily be in chronological order as I'm bouncing around; one of the theories might be that siblings might have joked in the 1900s saying I was an alien, maybe I believed for a second and then added it to my lore
My eyes was often in building things in the 1900s whether that be with my drawings, writings, home videos, audio tapes, taxi wagon bike 1997, comics, newspapers; constructing forts, tree houses, board games; I was often trying to make things
Speaking of, I'm building boredom
Funny you say that, I was generally not bored growing up in the 1900s, I was the kind of kid who was always doing things as an introvert nerd turned extrovert athlete, so my autism brain was always overthinking; and I was often hanging out with lots of different people, especially kids my own age from different groups; Mars even had a club like in the 1990s say for example
Are you hesitating?
Yeah, my bipolar paradox might be overthinking; but I'll tell you I was even trying to start my own club started after the Mars club probably starting around maybe 1997, probably started using the Internet more so around that time; YouTube deleted my 10K+ videos; as I got older, I got more into the idea of starting projects while also trying to motivate others to maybe finish the things I started; like too many cooks, spinning plates, things cooking in the oven
This video might have mentioned a few theories regarding my life whether they be true or otherwise; but much of this video is just an outline of facts as far as I know meaning you can ask people to prove me wrong, people who knew me in person; the title of this video might at least be partly wrong as this video probably didn't mention too many theories or what not
Was thinking of getting into NBA basketball maybe starting in the 1900s but then told myself I also wanted to do other things which meant I wasn't going to play basketball more than like an hour a day kind of thing or it varied from year to year but maybe Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant would shoot hoops like over ten hours per day sometimes; but my mind was all over the place wanting to do other things too
Was thinking of getting into web design since like the 2000s, was thinking about designing video games; my mind has been in the tech world since the 1900s; part of me hates computer work; but I grew up around technology; so I started becoming fluent in using Ubuntu and fluent in teaching myself how to teach myself how to fix computer computers, assemble computer parts onto a motherboard; I'm passionate about self-help books, tutorial videos
Grew up in Oregon, went to college in New York in 2004, then to West Virginia in 2006, visited Quebec, South Carolina; part of me wanted to stay on the East Coast; so I would do work study; but then got bad grades as I was often doing too many things; perhaps some of the theories out there about my life may be related to my college years say for example
Before that, wanted to move to Oklahoma to live with my brother and attend a different high school around 2001; but then things got better at my FGHS high school in Oregon which in a way surprised me
I enjoyed working at camps, part of me would prefer working at camps and other ministries forever; after working Camp Kuratli the summer of 2007, gave all my money to my mom who was divorcing my alcoholic dad; I worked in Hawaii with The Salvation Army; wanted to live there forever
Wanted to work with Lincoln Hawk in California, my mind was thinking about that in 2008; always wanted to infiltrate and influence Hollywood since maybe even the 1900s or at least by the early 2000s like during high school
Did many things in my life including going to teach in Vietnam starting in 2012, was thinking of living in Asia forever but returned to America in 2017; this video may not have mention many theories or whatever; maybe I need to make additional videos to really dive deeper into maybe theories or whatever that might be out there as it relates to my life
There might be theories relating to my career choices, my love life, choices relating especially to marketing which you might say was badly managed at times regardless of intentions; bad first impressions, gotta pick your battles on which hills ya willing to die on; I tried too hard working on too many things too many times too many places with too many people you might say; melting oatmeal
Whether they be theories, choices, or whatever; you might say some of them were wrong; I could probably giving you long lists of mistakes or whatever else I made; especially in how I advertised myself; of course I would have bored you with why I did what I did; but that doesn't make it right; not a question of right or wrong but more how can it get better for the Infinite Altitude?
This video to be continued, I might say sorry, I might apologize if I failed to say everything I wanted to say in this video as there is always more to say; but this topic of theories is pretty vague and maybe I did mention a few but there is always more to it; I could always talk about the reasoning I may have had with choices I made in my life; but I could also try to explain how I was wrong; perhaps I already mentioned some of that in some of my videos, articles, and everything

2024-04-24 - Wednesday - 03:23 PM
I'm The Big Red Dog Mickey Morehead, 2001 Gangster Run NYC, Version 2, New York City, Suno & Noisee AI


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

01:37 PM

Edward Snowden said the entire Internet is not safe as governments have server farms that collect even encrypted data funneling through the Internet including private messages, TikTok has problems but the world wide web is also like a tape recorder, a giant wire tap said Snowden. People also want to try to ban Twitter in America as well, that is next on the chopping block, TikTok is used as a foot in the door to then try to ban other websites too one by one sort of like they do with attacking people in the court of law, people like Alex Jones, Trump, etc.

Discord Drama

2024-04-24 - Wednesday - 11:46 AM - Discord Log

296/ Roy just says random things, Roy said about Suno without any evidence: "33% have really long prompts, 33% have short prompts (myself included), 33% put in gibberish and sometimes get great results." 297/ People can use Suno in this server, why not tell them that? 12:35 PM: 298/ Roy is a classic example of how the right hand does not know what the left had does, Roy does one thing on one hand but another thing on the other hand, I'm not sure if Roy knows this or not. 299/ It seems to me that Roy is sometimes involved in some kind of Anti-Engagement-Farming which is very counterproductive, destructive, and Roy had potential to influence many people but chooses to hide in the shadows. 300/ Roy might move on, if I stop interacting with Roy, then Roy might look for a new person to influence, Instead of trying to influence the world, Roy tries to influence maybe a few people which can be ok; but some are destined for greater things; some should influence as many as possible; Roy's marketing strategies is probably outdated by like a century or longer. 12:49 PM: 302/ Anybody who gets over a thousand more people to remain in this Oatmeal Discord Server forever before May of 2024 will be promoted up to admin, to god, or maybe even to JEDI; Roy might even be demoted if this happens. 01:00 PM: 303/ I'm gonna try to continue doing what I do, I'm trying to transition away from spending too much time on things that are not yielding results exponentially; Roy will probably remain being ineffective even as he could have gone viral because millions of people would watch Roy content; but Roy seems not to want that even as that benefits him and others; I'm buried in work; I'm juggling projects; people are welcome to join as partners, supporters, contributors, of Oatmeal World; I'm going to try to continue to move away from older life projects of mine so I can prioritize more the newer projects generally speaking; I'm going to try my best to transition to newer chapters in my life as I'm entering my fifth decade of my life starting next year in 2025; those who want to come with me on this adventure is welcome to; I'm trying to spend less time on things that are less effective, efficient, and everything; regardless of anything, I'm going to try to continue to make subtle changes if need be in what I do and everything gradually over time in the coming days, weeks, months, and years; Making The World Greener One Oatmeal At A Time. 02:26 PM: 309/ Roy Merrick seems to be pretty blind as an old man lost in his ways; I've been interacting with Roy for 5 years since 2019; I think I had a few more things I wanted to say; but I think I sort of forget what I was going to say; I've put out content over the years regarding Roy; it seems that Roy is stuck on a path that he won't get off; Roy would say I'm the same; that isn't true by the way; I may try to put out more content onto the Internet regarding Roy; maybe slowly collect stuff and put out Roy Articles just once a year kind of thing; I talk about Roy in third person generally because I see little value in actually talking to Roy as he is choosing not to take it to the next level; I always try to stop talking about Roy but end up back here talking about Roy; that has been ongoing for months or years; but I believe I'm making changes for the better; I'm willing to let Roy prove me wrong but it seems he won't; Roy probably thinks I will continue to do the normal things I would do these past five years; no matter what I do, Roy will probably only see what he wants to see; seems Roy is just on the Internet for kicks and giggles as opposed to trying to really change the world like I am trying to do; so it seems we are on different pages; Roy is probably going to continue interacting with whoever which might not be me in the future or at least less often; seems Roy is stuck in that world he put himself in; that is too bad; my thoughts are not totally clear as I need more time to completely say everything I want to say about Roy; my thoughts are going all over the place; but I mostly say all of this stuff about Roy for the world and not for Roy himself; to be continued in like content on the Internet, videos, articles, etc. 03:19 PM: 317/ My purpose with Roy was at least threefold: first, I interacted with Roy for my own practice in dealing with people; second, I was milking Roy to influence the world via content Roy put out; third, I was also using Roy as a springboard in an attempt to recruit Heirs of Oatmeal; those might be three key purposes; not sure if I left out any key points; those might be the top three purposes I had over the years regarding Roy at least in my mind.

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Under The Bridge 101

2024-04-24 - Wednesday - 04:20 AM - Under The Bridge 101

Reena Virk, a fourteen-year-old girl, went to join friends at a party and never returned home. Seven teenage girls and a boy were accused of the savage murder. The woman writer came back home. I thought they were showing flashbacks of her. But then she interacted with the girls. I think she even claimed to have adopted one of them. Security camera footage appears to show like a black girl looking injured as she emerged from under the bridge hinting at maybe she did the murder.

05:05 PM
Anti Israel Protests ERUPT All Over US, Occupy 2.0, TX ARRESTS Protesters w/Ari Jacob | Timcast IRL

05:45 PM
The left go to women like this one after they're arrested, they'll say see how cops are bad, you did nothing wrong, said Tim Pool; my mind went to how the Emperor fed lies into Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars to turn Ani into Darth Vader; the left is Palpatine pulling the strings.


Here is a list of what I'm watching

12:54 AM
Trump Trial Day 6 RECAP! From Alleged Contempt of Gag Order to 1st Witness Pecker! Viva Frei Vlawg

Under The Bridge 101

2024-04-24 - Wednesday - 04:20 AM - Under The Bridge 101

11:39 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Wednesday 4/24/24 • BIRD FLU HYSTERIA, News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

01:06 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Wednesday 4/24/24 • CHASE & HARRISON - News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

05:05 PM
Anti Israel Protests ERUPT All Over US, Occupy 2.0, TX ARRESTS Protesters w/Ari Jacob | Timcast IRL

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. I got up at 11:00 AM. Weird dreams, one at 163. Mostly forgotten. The end. Got up. Plants not taken out, too cold said mom. Vacuum. Prepared potatoes in the smaller blue bowl. Mom said actual father and daughter acting in the Lopez v Lopez show. I mentioned Angelina Jolie and Jon Voight in 2001 Tomb Raider. We saw two yellow birds on the front yard bird feeder, mom said she never saw them before, that more birds are eating up the food. Vacuum. Back here at 11:36 AM. Breakfast, 12:00 PM. Lunch, 01:05 PM. Groceries unloaded from Larry's truck, 02:00 PM. After that, some went into the RV. I saw a baby bird on the sidewalk by the fence and firewood and covered patio by the sliding back door in the back yard, took photos, video, sat the bird by the sticks by the ground compost. Mom said she talks while she thinks, I was like why you tell me like some of the eggs in the carton is boiled except the ones that aren't, oh the white eggs were boiled, I see now. Back here at 02:15 PM. Dishes around 03:30 PM. Still feeling tired like all day today. Dinner, 05:04 PM. Organizing VHS-M tapes while looking for 131 which might be The Omega Code. Nap, 10:00 PM to midnight. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, banana, 12:00 PM. Lunch: soup on potatoes, 01:05 PM. Boiled egg, 02:35 PM. Dinner: more of the soup on potatoes, 04:50 PM. Cake bread from the oven, mom put in it cranberry, orange juice, I forget what else, it was sweet, delicious, 08:00 PM.

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