Who do we think we are?


The @humor-us pod asked their members to write about what frustrates them. Being far from the comedian of the family, I am not a member of that pod, but wow do I get frustrated by something.

Climate Change

Yep, that is it, climate change frustrates me beyond belief. Not the climate change itself but the way people think we can prevent it, can slow it down, or even stop it. Who on earth came up with the idea we would have enough power to set off this climate change in the first place? Since when are we the center of the universe? What happened when ice age set it? Was that "arranged" by men too?

Seriously. It is silly to think we have any say over climate change. And in a way I am glad about it.
Look what happens when we interfere. Space was a pretty clean and perfectly fine on its own place. After we felt we had to invade that area, like what 50 years ago or so, now we need to send out a space vacuum cleaner to clean up our trash. Did the ocean really benefit from us humans using it?

Reality is, when we start messing with a system to "adjust" it, it gets out of control. There is always something not thought of that often completely diminishes the positive effects the project were to generate. We have learned a lot, and of course there is also some good work done, but stating we can orchestra the elements. No way.


Taking care of nature however, is a complete different thing. We should appreciate and respect nature way more than we do. Not for nature, but for us. Nature will be fine long after humans are distinct. Nature will recover when left alone. Take a look at abandoned areas. Slowly nature is taking possession of what it beliefs to be hers. Covering whatever was build, no matter how big, with a variety of plants. Making the world green again.

Closer to home, look at what happens to your garden, when you don't interfere. A bit wilder than wanted probably but it will be green in the end.


We need to engage to nature because nature provides everything we need to survive. What would happen if electricity was no longer available. Some countries are already experiencing this from time to time, on a smaller scale. What if your phone was charged but had no reception coz all the systems it had access to lost power. What if that is how it is going to be? Forever. What are you going to do? Do you know how to make a fire, how to kill an animal, oh wait let's start by do you know how to hunt? Do you know edible plants from poisonous ones? Can you find your own butt without checking Google Maps first?

I know, I am getting way ahead of things but it is not a bad thing to start (re)learning these skills, pass them on to the next generation and make sure they pass them on to the next one. They may need it one day. Some day in the future the homesteading people and boy/girl scouts will be the rulers of the world, because they have the knowledge and skills to survive. Think about it while you Google "homesteading".

This is me, ranting at the TV when they show people who are trying to convince us we are stronger than climate change, using unreal arguments, followed by the weather man who has to admit he was wrong on yesterday's weather predictions.

On another note, we have the #homesteading people with interesting posts, and @samstonehill started a @survival-archive to supply access to useful information on surviving various situations. "Where to hide when your mother-in-law visits" not being one of them.

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